The Day After's listening history

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Another kind of political song and its one of my personal favorites!
The Day After's avatar
First song I ever recorded on my own. It was actually from a little scratch CD I had from a while ago and i just decided to redo it.
The Day After's avatar
I was inspired by Rise Against's "Hero Of War" to write a song about a soldier killed in combat and what it does to a family.
The Day After's avatar
First song I ever recorded on my own. It was actually from a little scratch CD I had from a while ago and i just decided to redo it.
The Day After's avatar
The Day After's avatar
This song is telling everyone that if we work together we could change the world.
The Day After's avatar
This song is Me and my cousin Matt (Fat Burrito) just having fun!
The Day After's avatar
Ever do something bad and want to be able to go back in time to make sure you don't actually make the mistake?
The Day After's avatar
Another kind of political song and its one of my personal favorites!
The Day After's avatar
Reprimanded basically means if someone in a position of authority gets mad at you because you did something wrong. Kind of a political song.