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“I am hypnotized by the TV weekdays at 5:30. They wash my mind on Eastern Standard Time. You know my mind runs on commercial puns. Oh, I can’t think for myself anymore…”
Yeah, I can’t help watching TV alot. Well I can, but I choose not to. This is about that.

kurtmagnus's avatar
kurtmagnus said

really good, can hear MGMT influence, but you're induvidual overall. keep pushing on!

Guest said

this is awesome. it sounds like a runaway railway car full of rabbits and on fire.

kerikino's avatar
kerikino said

what the shit is an "RPM"er? rotations per minute, yes... please, enlighten me. within ten seconds of my listen i can tell you are advanced. 1984!!!

tim mcfate's avatar
tim mcfate said

great and clever assortment of sounds and yes i am an rpm'er tim

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