tilden's listening history

tilden's avatar
It's another theme song! My next theatrical sound gig will be the Front Porch Players' production of Neil Simon's "Come Blow Your Horn" which opens February 28th, 2025. Details at https://www.rosemountarts.com/comeblowyourhorn As part…
tilden's avatar
It's another theme song! My next theatrical sound gig will be the Front Porch Players' production of Neil Simon's "Come Blow Your Horn" which opens February 28th, 2025. Details at https://www.rosemountarts.com/comeblowyourhorn As part…
tilden's avatar
Just finished running sound for the Second Act Players’ production of "Finding Gladys" and enjoyed putting together original music to use for a theme, a soap opera, and scene changes. The song 'Getting To Know You' from the musical "The King And…
tilden's avatar
Just finished running sound for the Second Act Players’ production of "Finding Gladys" and enjoyed putting together original music to use for a theme, a soap opera, and scene changes. The song 'Getting To Know You' from the musical "The King And…
tilden's avatar
It's been one of those weeks
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
I'm working on a new album of electronic pieces with modular synths and Pure Data and possibly some electro-acoustic, electro mechanical. This one will be in the mix.
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A very slow piece built by two different synth sequences inspired from trial/error development/build of an electrical synth circuit I began in late 2023 created by Moritz Klein. I have recently after several attempts gotten it to work to the…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
A piece that is over and over built with a sequence from a new sequencer that you program the steps of the sequence, the melody by scaling potentiometers, turning knobs till it's like you want!
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
An evolution of two LFOs pretty much gated and filtered.
tilden's avatar
Just finished running sound for the Second Act Players’ production of "Finding Gladys" and enjoyed putting together original music to use for a theme, a soap opera, and scene changes. The song 'Getting To Know You' from the musical "The King And…