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This Song Is Anonymous (We Do Not Know Its Name)

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Written/recorded June 17th/18th 2010

Andy Jenkinson: played, wrote and sang
Sarah Marshall: sang
Richard Smith: three lines of lyric

myfirstdictionary is a very dark website of dictionary definitions (illustrated).

A caption competion was held, and one Mr. Richard Smith submitted the winning caption:
“The boy scout and the old lady are anonymous.
We do not know their names.
We will find out what they are on tonight’s news”

His prize was having his caption written into a song. This is the song I wrote and recorded for him.

Good morning children - today we’re going to sing our guessing song.

A boy scout out beside the camp fire’s anonymous.
We do not know his name.
We should ask him; he can play our games and become one of us.
Can we guess his name?
Is it Richard?
Is it Rudy, Reginald, Rupert or Renton, Raymond, Randolf or Dave?

Can you guess his name?
What’s his name?
What’s his name?!

An old lady standing at the bus stop’s anonymous.
We do not know here name.
We could ask her; she shouldn’t be ashamed she’s not as young as us.
Can we guess her name?
Is it Ethel? Is it Eunice, Eliza, Elvira, Elaine, Esther, Eve or plain old Jane?

Can you guess her name?
What’s her name?
What’s her name?!

If fifteen lonely minutes of personal fame
Is all we can claim, when we see what’s in it for us,
Who can blame us for being famous regardless,
Even for the wrong reasons?

See the people on the television; they are famous.
Some are household names.
We’re curious why they’re notorious; notoriety has variety.
Play along with us and try to guess their fame.
Are they actors, musicians, sportsmen, politicians, murderers, rapers’ victims or insane?

What’s their fame?
What’s their fame?!

The boy scout and the old lady are anonymous.
We do not know their names.
We will find out what they are on tonight’s news.

What’s his name?
What’s her name?

Guest said

Brilliant!!! well done ... ah... whats your name?????

CMOR's avatar
CMOR said

This is fun and well made!
