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Written for the RPM2017 (album in a month) challenge.

The 70s vibe should be obvious, and this was written on electric piano, (unusually for me). The opening keys riff is one of the only moderately funky sounding things I can play. I am not funky. The whole mix sounds a bit ‘clean’ for my taste, or perhaps, it comes down to my lack of funk.

The lyric is supposed to be ‘in character’. I am not really the misogynistic swine that is suggested, honest. Also, I’m (slightly) too young to have my ideals all formed in the 70s.

The ‘counting from 71 to 79’ bit was me filling a section that I’d got no words for, at the last moment, that happened to be the right length. Serendipity plays a part in most compositions, I think.

I hold the door, pay for your meal on our date
(I can afford it)
Choose the wine, invite you back to mine, put a record on
Until it’s late

Now people keep on saying I’m behind the times
I’m a forward thinking guy who just made up his mind in the seventies

In the seventies

Shhh - with your protesting it’s better if you don’t say a word
You know it’s best if pretty ladies are seen but never ever ever heard

Now people keep on telling me I’m out of touch
But I’m just an average guy who hasn’t changed that much since the seventies

In the seventies

71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79

Now maybe I’m old fashioned but I’m passionate too
A real man from the seventies

In the seventies

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

oops thats last comment was me, but it's worth saying again, this time logged in "loved this!!!"

Guest said

loved this!!!

Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

1977! Dude, this is brilliant. Absolutely brilliant!

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