unbrokendub's listening history

glaka's avatar
this song is originally a song by the band i play guitar and sing in, simfonik plague. another alonetone member, the lkgc, plays bass in this band as well. another tidbit- alonetoner's "movement to contact" was one of the original members of…
glaka's avatar
my first alonetone upload with vox, yay! i don't feel like this song is quite done yet, but i've been sitting on it for a while. critique and i just might listen. thanks!
glaka's avatar
i recorded this about a year ago, before i was really into making electronic music. i just came across it and finished the mix today.
glaka's avatar
i would like to add vox to this eventually, maybe finish a song for once.
glaka's avatar
this is my stab at the super minimalistic electronic r&b/hip hop that you may hear on your local r&b radio station....just having fun, it would be better with vocals i think.
a tree for climbing's avatar
Alex's avatar
While still having a vocal remaster pending, this fast-paced electronic piece combines most of my style and skills. All instruments apart from drums were recorded by me.
Beat Cube's avatar
I tend to name my tracks off of internet memes and science fiction writers/books when I cannot think of a song. This one is named after a series of excellent books by Harry Harrison entitled Deathworld. Seriously. Go read them. Anyhow the…
Vortexia's avatar
An abandonned cover of a song part penned by UK Electro maestro Steve Cooke. The original is on Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/stevecooke/follow-the-rain-ft-robert-pickens I started off doing an unplugged version which I gave up on when it…
Jack Mathers's avatar
Moody Electronic atmosphere