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The Porno


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Ha, Ha, Ha
As she goes
All legs, she knows
Lives like the ways of Rome
She don’t wanna be a stay at home

She wanna make her name
That thing gave her fame

Sex Fame
Sex Fame
That thing

Streaming $19.95, she’s yo’s
An that’s when he came, oh no
Untrue to woo too,
Got her smokin doo doo,
Hooked her all the same
Ooo Untimely Saint
That’s when her baby came….

There you go,
Legs and ass…no mo’
She smoked it all away for sho’
She got that baby girl at home
Her daddy was to blame,
Her hidden secrets, mama’s pain…

Her shame,
Her game,
Her baby was the one way

oo You’re the only one
You’re worth it,
I’ll hurt for you, that I know…
I know, I know I hurt you,
I won’t hurt you, anymore

There she goes,
Travels the world around and around,
There she goes,
Opens her arms again and again
How innocent I’ve been
Now I’ll go home with him
Now I’ll go home with him

Make it all go away; Stay

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Cool! This just ROCKS!

Guest said

sexual music indeed

Guest said

You just completely rock, don't you.

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