witzelsucht's listening history

Djörk's avatar
I had been listening to the new Massive Attack album for a few weeks, and I was initially trying to mimic some of the sounds I heard on there - especially from the songs "Splitting the Atom" and "Girl I Love You." But, then somehow the whole thing…
Newbold's avatar
slkrell's avatar
Looking down the road as how sweet it will be after the bug” virus” Is gone Open the doors and windows , drive fast with the top down We gonna drink some wine with friends o mine, pas the bottle around Go to a block party…
igor's avatar
Beauty and artistic taste is clear to everyone and eternal, although it does not save the world. --- A Late Walk Robert Frost When I go up through the mowing field, The headless aftermath, Smooth-laid like thatch with the heavy dew…
witzelsucht's avatar
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Prior to recording these Vocals/Lyrics my Microphone died on so i had to use my phone voice-recorder with not knowing how the sound would be. Anyway i had a blast making this Song. Lyrics: Broken Dreams on repeat It’s a tie for the Grip…
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Prior to recording these Vocals/Lyrics my Microphone died on so i had to use my phone voice-recorder with not knowing how the sound would be. Anyway i had a blast making this Song. Lyrics: Broken Dreams on repeat It’s a tie for the Grip…
spacehoers's avatar
slkrell's avatar
Kansas City has some great steak houses Kansas City blues bands are Texas twisted Kansas City is OK
The Great Red Dragon's avatar