witzelsucht's listening history
With music written and performed by Soundsmith Kamachi.
It was the last day of RPM and he asked me to write a lullaby for a track called Cornucopia. Very much enjoyed how easily this one flowed. That's my mum, Bee Mathis, adding class to the…
With JS Tolar, as band Visions Of Nell.
My tribute to Anne Boleyn, the first queen to be publicly executed in England. I used some of the poetry she wrote during her imprisonment in the chorus. An innocent, incomparable woman.
True life story of a creepy humanities teacher that hit on our high school girl friend....slept with another, lost his job.
This is a song by our guitarist Keith. He doesn't get a chance to jam with us as much since he moved to New York. He and I had a lot of fun working on this simple tune, and it makes me miss times long gone.
"Castaway of Love" is a song by Brian, one of our guitar players who until now has been shy about sharing his talent. When he told me the title of this song I was expecting a 1920's style megaphone crooner melody, but was happily surprised by…
and you, again
a WAV format version of the album is available on soundcloud
sat at dinner eating pasta with...
a WAV format version of the album is available on soundcloud
A song about Cindy punching Steve in the face because he probably deserved it.
Well, it IS!
lyrics for my Italian friends:
We're gonna be there in your wake
mending the seams when they start to break
make you do what you said that you would
and other words that rhyme with good
once so close why let it go, baby…