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by witzelsucht


Standing Sideways

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A pop-rock thingy recorded in 2006. Can’t remember too much about it except that it was a new song then, I spent an inordinate amount of time on the lyrics and arrangement, and wasn’t that happy with it when I was done(!).

I quite like it now but I could make a lot better fist of it now if I had the time.

Standing Sideways - A A J Russe

There’s a picture
That you took of me
Looking happy
Dreaming up a melody
To rain down love
Rain down love

And there’s a jacket
Jacket that you bought for me
I look happy
Showing it for all to see
It fits me well
So I guess I’ll keep on wearing it

Meanwhile - you’re standing sideways
Standing sideways to the one you love
Listen - you never hear me
Standing sideways to the one you love

You pick the party
Party that I’m going to
I look happy
Maybe it’s because of you
I rain down love
Rain down love

You make the jokes
As if I wasn’t there
I have to smile
Just as if I couldn’t care
When deep inside
I wonder if it’s worth the ride

Meanwhile - you’re standing sideways
Standing sideways to the one you love
Listen - why can’t you hear me?
Always standing sideways?
If I’m the one you love

I’ve a secret
Somebody who cares for me
I look happy
That’s because they call on me
To rain down love
It rains down, pours down

Meanwhile - you’re standing sideways
Standing sideways to the one you love
Listen - you never hear me
Always standing sideways to the one you love

Copyright (C) 2006 A A J Russe. All Rights Reserved

witzelsucht's avatar
witzelsucht said

That's a good song

joeldbrodsky18's avatar
joeldbrodsky18 said

great so very nice...I was singing it before it finished! yes

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Great song. Love the choice of instruments.
