Wrinkled Shirt's listening history

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Skyfall aviation on demand part 4
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The Story of Exodus from Egypt right down to the Red-Sea where the Hebrews crossed into the mount of Sinai.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Very Pink Floyd-ish...not on purpose but happy it sent the mood that way down the ropes.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Morning rush, Afternoon nap, evening crapped.. Rise and Repeat
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Still on the fence whether he's coming or not. My money being spent on dumb bets lol
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Had all morning off to mess with the sound quality and bring it up a few more notches. A bit of a long track but it packs lots of changes and transitions.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Dark post rockish album in the works. I got 3 tracks release on it thus far.
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Celebrating Hanukkah with beats, Doughnuts and lots of fake chocolate coins hahah This is a more polished version of a what i originally intended to do. Happy holidays!
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
According to Greek legend, an evil race of Goblins, known as The Kallikantzaori, lurk underground until the 12 days of Christmas to wreak havoc across the country.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
They say Mercs/Nerds of Sound or what was it Cinematic? I was think of a few movies while making this.