Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's listening history

A Beautiful Scene's avatar
This song was written for Tony Sly of No Use For A Name - He passed away July of 2013. His music helped me through quite a bit as a kid and influenced me as a musician. I never thought I would miss a person I had never met but here I am.
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Lyrics for the bridge Logically there's room for all questions Though the answers aren't all known, Objectivities the myth of plenty, Who doubt His truth within their soul. Written by Leanor Ortega-Till and used with permission.
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
This is a cover of fellow RPMer Ienne Lynn's song "Holes" She easily is one of the best performance on RPM 2020 - with a raw sound and perfect lyrics that are so easy to relate to. This was recorded with the bare minimum of equipment. The…
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
My cover of Sister Savage's Europa. I lovely little song about one of Jupiter's moons. I really enjoyed working with this.
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Cover of RPMer Jon Solo. First year to the challenge and made a fantastic album with catchy songs! Maybe too catchy...