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I can see them looking at me
What do they want to take from me?
Eyes stare at me through the window
My heart’s racing with fast beatings
I am sweating so profusely
My whole body’s cold and clammy
All this pressure I am feeling
Every muscle, tense and hurting
I can hear my shallow breathing
And I hear my heart still pounding
I want to run but I can’t move
I would hide but they’d still find me
Now I hear them banging slowly
On my door to come and kill me
It gets louder with each passing
Banging, scratching, then repeating
I face palms, my tears are streaming
It won’t stop it just continues
Now I hear them, violent screaming
They taste blood so satisfying
What can I do? Am I dying?

Artist: Jeff Hill
Album: My Quarantine
Label: 434 Noise
Release: May 1, 2009
