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Don't Tell A Soul
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Artist: Jeff Hill
Album: My Quarantine
Label: 434 Noise
Release: May 1, 2009
You call me your little honey
I just do it for the money
But don’t tell a soul
I sniffed out some prime meat
She won’t find out when I cheat
But don’t tell a soul
You are welcome to my flock
Though I just fleece you on the spot
But don’t tell a soul
I have pride from shoulder to fingers
I hate kikes, spics, gooks,and niggers
But don’t tell a soul
I want to take a butcher knife
And murder my ex-wife
But don’t tell a soul
I like young tender flesh
With their delicious flat chests
But don’t tell a soul
Deny it but you know it’s true
This is true for each of you
But don’t tell a soul