A Bit More Better Productions
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Well Hello!
Hello Pillow,
How do you do?
I'm doing mighty fine thank you,
How about you?
Fancy a snooze?
Let's go to sleep right now x 3
Right now. Night now.
Hello Pillow,
And what a shitter of a day.
When I was a boy, I would ring my nan on the telephone
Numbers in the holes
Spin it round then let it go
I carry a phone in my pocket
Oh stop it!
Oh where will it end?
When I was a lad
Used a notepad when I wrote thank you…
When the kids are in bed
That’s the best part of the day
When the kids are in bed
What more can I say?
we're going to watch game of thrones
episodes till half past three!
we say but by a quarter past nine
Well we've all but fallen asleep…
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Recorded and mixed (very quickly and sloppily) on the evening of 4/28/2023 for the “30 Day Songs” project. Everything was recorded on one take. The guitar is out of time at some places, vocals are pitchy and terrible. I wanted so much for this…
I decided to cover one of Jarrett's songs. Word to the wise - it's harder than you think. Dude uses a lot of inversions and weird chords. So, being me, I kinda-sorta figured out the chords, but not quite, then took to creating my own song that…
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It aint like no ones done this before
But how can you tire of beautiful chords
In the fifties
In Tenessee
Where my love
was born
Two young men upped and
crossed the yard
both cold cos it was rainin hard.
One of them turned said…
It is what it is. It's throwaway but I'm relatively pleased. Was going for something slightly Kinksy/Nilssonesque - sort of Vauderville..
RPM 2011 number 2. Inspired by an ex-friend of mine who had the most dazzling rose tinted glasses. Always used to envy the simplicity of his view and how nothing could ever get to him (everything gets to me).. since i knew him I know a lot of…
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Yacht rock.
Every time I see your smile
I feel like I’ve come home
And every time you stay a while
Is the best day that I’ve known
You’re the one that lights my way
Brings brightness to my day
And I just have to say
Don’t want it…
rpm 2023
Janette Salisbury vocals
sometime, tomorrow
leaving, leaving, leaving
fleeing, your sorrow
it’s tainted my soul
and heaven help me now
make me clean somehow
sometime, tomorrow
leaving, leaving, leaving
fleeing, your sorrow…
RPM 2022. I finished a song.. does that count?
Well the early bird
Catches the worm
Eats it up
And shits it out
Onto the lawn
And into the dirt
Where the worms crawl
And use the soil to form
To be eaten once more
By the early birds…
Another song idea from a meme. Or, more accurately, a movement.
The term “Birds Aren’t Real” refers to biological “Birds” no longer existing on United States soil. After the government forcibly made the entire species extinct in the 20th century…
Latest Comments
When I was a boy, I would ring my nan on the telephone
Numbers in the holes
Spin it round then let it go
I carry a phone in my pocket
Oh stop it!
Oh where will it end?
When I was a lad
Used a notepad when I wrote thank you…
Well Hello!
Hello Pillow,
How do you do?
I'm doing mighty fine thank you,
How about you?
Fancy a snooze?
Let's go to sleep right now x 3
Right now. Night now.
Hello Pillow,
And what a shitter of a day.
Well Hello!
Hello Pillow,
How do you do?
I'm doing mighty fine thank you,
How about you?
Fancy a snooze?
Let's go to sleep right now x 3
Right now. Night now.
Hello Pillow,
And what a shitter of a day.
Well Hello!
Hello Pillow,
How do you do?
I'm doing mighty fine thank you,
How about you?
Fancy a snooze?
Let's go to sleep right now x 3
Right now. Night now.
Hello Pillow,
And what a shitter of a day.
Record Production Month submissions and assorted home demos.
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112 tracks