Letter Seventeen

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Letter Seventeen's avatar
I decided to try a few different things this year for RPM. This is the single (along with a b-side to make a playlist) I'm using to show I completed RPM. All told I had six songs and could have listed an EP, but the songs all need a bit more…
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Letter Seventeen's avatar
If you're watching, you know. If not, stay away from the elevator. It has a certain appeal Disconnecting from half of your life Getting through the day by forgetting who you are No need to find a way Not remembering all that went wrong…
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Letter Seventeen's avatar
I needed to keep the streak alive. 15 years of RPM. But life has been in the way. Considerably. It's not worth getting into, but music is currently so far down the priority list it's not even funny. But I found time on the 28th to…
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Letter Seventeen's avatar
It's a b-side song for RPM 2024, mostly because I needed a second song in order to create a playlist here. I need a b-side songs for the flip side A b-side song to prove that I tried To put in the effort, to get things done To try to…
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Letter Seventeen's avatar
A second ghost story, but of a different sort. Once again in Hungarian Minor.
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A Beautiful Scene's avatar
So Long (my Friend) Verse One Did you feel alone Or were you at home Did you fall in love with anything DId you enjoy your stay Was it worth while And of all the words, I’d follow your’s home Chorus We fell asleep on dirty floors…
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A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Verse One Take my hand and hold me dear Close to heart, closer to death All the words you spoke too soft of love I’ve longed for Awake alone in vainity, it’s a shame we have to die here as the blood on my hands dry, i’ve killed for the…
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A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Verse One Cold tears are streaming down my cheek as your memories are playing on the radio Yours and now were two worlds apart Painless suffocate I wait for all the words you saved Burning wisdom and lighting abroad, no This can't be happening…
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A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Paisley Tears Verse One Awake to the sound of broken glass I know, It’s far too real A wispered word could spark a fight We learn to play so still In Shadows hiding from the light Children against thier will Chorus But I’m more than…
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A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Transparent Zipperfoot (title meaning at bottom if you want to read TLDR:) Verse One This life in focus I feel it has no meaning, its purpose ever fleeting And how we get through This world and aspdcts thereof only through words and thier…
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BogStomp's avatar
Sadly the leopards are eating well in 2025.
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wilsun's avatar
“Summer Rain” was written, recorded, and produced on July 23, for the July 2024 REM Challenge (via RPM Challenge). Written in five minutes. Recorded in 10 minutes (used take #3). Added additional instrumentation and mixed in about 45 minutes…
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angie fights crime's avatar
from the album "FULL MINGO" vocals Ash Reynolders mastering Dave Storms Here we go I can't wait for you to show, me the way and I know there are places we will go, someday but i'm feeling inside that there's thing that we hide and…
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wilsun's avatar
“It’s My Life” was written and recorded on February 24-25, for the 2024 RPM Challenge. "It's My Life" written by W. Ng.
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Latest Comments

Letter Seventeen's avatar
I decided to try a few different things this year for RPM. This is the single (along with a b-side to make a playlist) I'm using to show I completed RPM. All told I had six songs and could have listed an EP, but the songs all need a bit more…
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Guest said

Oh my! This is the best song I've ever heard. I wish there are more people like you!

Letter Seventeen's avatar
I decided to try a few different things this year for RPM. This is the single (along with a b-side to make a playlist) I'm using to show I completed RPM. All told I had six songs and could have listed an EP, but the songs all need a bit more…
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Pink Kabunnikorn's avatar
Pink Kabunnikorn said

This song is very well produced. Fresh like the produce section!

Letter Seventeen's avatar
I decided to try a few different things this year for RPM. This is the single (along with a b-side to make a playlist) I'm using to show I completed RPM. All told I had six songs and could have listed an EP, but the songs all need a bit more…
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A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene said

Ah, a song that is well recorded and speaks volumes of truth! Well done Tim!

Letter Seventeen's avatar
It's a b-side song for RPM 2024, mostly because I needed a second song in order to create a playlist here. I need a b-side songs for the flip side A b-side song to prove that I tried To put in the effort, to get things done To try to…
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acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

:-) You got it. :-}

Letter Seventeen's avatar
I needed to keep the streak alive. 15 years of RPM. But life has been in the way. Considerably. It's not worth getting into, but music is currently so far down the priority list it's not even funny. But I found time on the 28th to…
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Atlanta Trash Collective's avatar
Atlanta Trash Collective said

You are always absolutely hilarious and fun. Nice one Tim!!!

Letter Seventeen's avatar

I’m Tim. I make noises. I hope someone enjoys them.

from Norcross, GA, United States

Who Letter Seventeen follows

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