Aged Machine
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Created in Reaper using the Foghorn instrument from LABS.
Created in Reaper using the Fission A instrument set from Triple Spiral Audio.
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"EBMS" recorded in February 2023 for the RPM Challenge.
Basically an extended instrumental remix of a song from my other 2023 RPM Challenge project.
"Always (Again Remix)" recorded in February 2023 for the RPM Challenge.
New recording of an old song with different arrangements. Originally started as a joke in response to Tim (of Letter Seventeen) asking AI to write a song (not) about airplanes…
A song to myself. I’ve often felt like an unnecessary appendage in the circles I end up in. I’ve had some real crazy experiences in my life, and I tend to exaggerate to try an instill the grandness I felt in each story. Sometimes, I’m annoying…
I was thinking this was going to be the longest song, but then the next song happened.
Anyways, title says it all. Don't let this be what you judge my abilities on. I can do better. Just go listen to my other albums, but maybe after you finish…
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Aged Machine is Jeremy D. Camp, an IT geek and electronic musician from Portland, Oregon
from Portland, OR, US
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45 tracks