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This December was more somber and complicated than usual, so just I threw some ambiguous chords into an old VCV Rack patch and didn't bother trying to track down or fix the discordant foghorn tone that crops up a couple of times. I wish I could…
It finally dawned on me that I could use the faders and knobs on my MIDI controller to control channel volumes and plugin settings in Reaper while recording live, so I fired up a bunch of instances of Hainbach's excellent Noises plugin, tweaked…
Yet again with the Petrushka chord... Maybe one day I'll learn another one! This time, I threw those notes into some plugins in Reaper.
As has become a habit, I threw together a VCV Rack patch at the last minute based on a couple of YouTube tutorials.
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This December was more somber and complicated than usual, so just I threw some ambiguous chords into an old VCV Rack patch and didn't bother trying to track down or fix the discordant foghorn tone that crops up a couple of times. I wish I could…
It finally dawned on me that I could use the faders and knobs on my MIDI controller to control channel volumes and plugin settings in Reaper while recording live, so I fired up a bunch of instances of Hainbach's excellent Noises plugin, tweaked…
Created for the November 2024 REM (record every month)
Yet again with the Petrushka chord... Maybe one day I'll learn another one! This time, I threw those notes into some plugins in Reaper.
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Short MIDI piece inspired by one of our sweet cats. :)
DAW plugin drums, live guitar and bass. I don't really hate everything. Mostly just the sound of my own voice.
Created using MuseScore 4 and an instrument from the LABS collection. Bits and pieces reminded me of the old Tron video game, so the name of this one was almost "Arcade".
Input the chord sequence from a Spice Rack Collective song I wrote on guitar, converted a bass take from that song into MIDI, added a couple of VSTs, programmed some drums, and added some royalty-free voice samples I found online somewhere. Pretty…
Created in Reaper using the Fission A instrument set from Triple Spiral Audio.
Recent Favorites
This is in some boring typical genre. I just can't figure out which one. Perhaps Wiccan dances for epileptics? Not sure.
In Cold Hell, in Thicket is a microtonal musical setting of Charles Olsen reading his poem in 1950 as provided by PennSound…
Latest Comments
This December was more somber and complicated than usual, so just I threw some ambiguous chords into an old VCV Rack patch and didn't bother trying to track down or fix the discordant foghorn tone that crops up a couple of times. I wish I could…
As has become a habit, I threw together a VCV Rack patch at the last minute based on a couple of YouTube tutorials.
Ed Craig
Reminds me of a scene from a point and click adventure game from the 90's - very atmospheric.
Once again, waited till the very last minute, played around with a couple of new-to-me apps on my iPad, and sent the resulting noises through some plugins in Reaper. Fun stuff!
VCV Rack patch reacting to an audio field recording. Cheers to Omri Cohen for the excellent patch walkthrough!
Trial run after rearranging some electronic doodads on my side desk, most notably the pictured Drone Stack and HypnoDrone from Kaiser Electrical Instruments in lovely Duluth, MN. Recorded at the end of a rare week-long ice event in north Alabama.
Office drone and geek on the long road from dilettante to polymath.
from Huntsville, AL, United States
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