
tonycee's avatar

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tonycee's avatar
this song is about 17yrs old , i have remixed it , guitar / bass / lead gtr / keyboards organ / vocals / words / music . by myself . hope you like it thanks for your time ......cheers tony cee.
tonycee's avatar
music ,mixing and mastering , vocals /b,v/ guitar , lead gtr , bass , / keyboards used for brass and strings , played by myself , song written by myself ,...hope you like it thank you for your time .......cheers tony cee
tonycee's avatar
this song is about 8yrs old , i have done a video which is on youtube , just type in the title and tonycee , if you would like to , all brass / strings played on keyboard , vocals backing vocals , rythm / lead / bass guitar / played by myself…
tonycee's avatar
this song i recorded about 4 yrs ago and have since remastered it , all brass / strings /played on my keyboard , bass/ rthm /lead guitar . vocals backing vocals / mandolin , played by myself. thanks for your time .....cheers tony cee
tonycee's avatar
this song is about 4 yrs old i was never happy with the mix , so i remixed it ,hope you like it , all guitars / bass/ vocals and backing vocals by myself , strings /brass /keys/ played by myself on keyboard / drums programmed by myself .hope you…

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Ailew's avatar
Lyrics No fundo eu gostaria que tudo acabasse E na superfície também Eu gostaria que tudo fosse para os ares E nos veríamos no além Eu gostaria de ser ninguém Eu odeio acordar Levantar e respirar Eu odeio viver Odeio o anoitecer e o…
chrooke's avatar
We break through into hyperspace and enjoy the ambient vibe.
chrooke's avatar
But then something goes wrong with the drive system! With a series of alarming noises, we drop out of hyperspace and drift for a bit while the crew checks out the system.
chrooke's avatar
The cruise company puts down for an unscheduled layover on a blissful alien beach and we relax while robots fix the ship.
chrooke's avatar
In the distance, we can see the robots at work, and wouldn't you know, some of them are partying, too!

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chrooke's avatar
Finally, the ship is repaired and we resume our cruise through the cosmos. It was an adventure of a lifetime!
wilsun's avatar
“Homesick” was recorded and mixed on February 21-25, 2025. First half of "Homesick" was written and demo'ed on the evening of 8/10/2023. Second half of "Homesick" was written on 2/21/2025. This version of "Homesick" was recorded and mixed…
Luckydog's avatar
it's a sci-fi story
thetworegs's avatar
Possibly the last one for this years RPM The Only thing I feel The wind blew against the window and brought the morning I Sunlight hit the curtain and I’m sure it trying to break on through My senses woke to the smell of tobbaco…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025** Song number 14 Written 21st-22nd Feb Demo recorded 22nd Feb **** The thing of it is, er... whatever I guess. **** **Now that we’re home - A A J Russe** Now that we’re home I’ll admit to you…

Latest Comments

tonycee's avatar
this song is about 17yrs old , i have remixed it , guitar / bass / lead gtr / keyboards organ / vocals / words / music . by myself . hope you like it thanks for your time ......cheers tony cee.
Luckydog's avatar
Luckydog said

I like the feel and attitude this track has....

tonycee's avatar
this song is about 17yrs old , i have remixed it , guitar / bass / lead gtr / keyboards organ / vocals / words / music . by myself . hope you like it thanks for your time ......cheers tony cee.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Loving it….it makes me want to move …excellent vocal gives me the ooooh yeahs along with that lead

tonycee's avatar
this song is about 17yrs old , i have remixed it , guitar / bass / lead gtr / keyboards organ / vocals / words / music . by myself . hope you like it thanks for your time ......cheers tony cee.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Love the feel of this. Cool vocal.

tonycee's avatar
this song is about 17yrs old , i have remixed it , guitar / bass / lead gtr / keyboards organ / vocals / words / music . by myself . hope you like it thanks for your time ......cheers tony cee.
Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Now this is cool! What a great vibe to it. Wow...17 years and going strong. Great guitar solo in there too btw. Organ really adds to the mix!

tonycee's avatar
this song is about 17yrs old , i have remixed it , guitar / bass / lead gtr / keyboards organ / vocals / words / music . by myself . hope you like it thanks for your time ......cheers tony cee.
Burl Whitis   's avatar
Burl Whitis said

Cool rocking song. Thanks for listening to my songs.

tonycee's avatar

played in lots of bands , but now just concentrate on writing and recording , thanks for your time tony cee

from wolverhampton, GB

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8 tracks