Ed Craig
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We March
Verse 1:
We are marching for the Lord into His holy place.
Our allegiance is to the Lord; no turning back.
We are all made for the Lord; He’s our only friend.
Our allegiance is to the Lord; there’s no turning back.
Great and…
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number five becomes finished song number 16.
This might have been better if I hadn't done such a crappy job recording it. So many bad punches and lifeless takes. The hook is okay at least.
All of the guitar tracks…
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A song about people who've been in and moved on in our life - maybe a lullaby of sorts... thanks for listening to my latest.
If Ever Oh Ever
If ever oh ever
I could find you again
we’d jump in the water and
Swim to the end
To the…
Another earworm needing to be expressed - comes to my head when looking at the moon from my garden. I'd love some lyrics - "oh beautiful moon, dah de da da dah" etc but haven't landed on any yet. Its also a bit Taize like, except totally pagan.
one of a few improvs from the other night following a bike accident. these are all acoustic, no delay, just room recording, in tuning low to high AACEAE.
A little rocking tune for watching the sun set over the Gulf....
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About myself…um, spends a lot of time in basements, outbuildings in the woods etc - pacing and muttering and occasionally getting some of that down.
from Victoria
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69 tracks