Kris King

Kris King's avatar

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Kris King's avatar
Sometimes when you're busking.... there be dragons....
Kris King's avatar
Busking at the market on the hottest day EVER - just had to be commemorated and enshrined in song. The song contains snippets from the market day, some memories from the hot summers of youth, and most vitally the four horsemen of the apocalypse…
Kris King's avatar
Blue Cheese And Strawberries - the sky on a summer evening - relaxing in the garden with a glass of gin - that's the real world for you right there
Kris King's avatar
This is one I wrote a few years back but didn’t really get anywhere with. Its quite jolly. The starting point was the idea of rolling down a hill and hitting a flint, picking it up and keeping it. Lyrics Headlong down the hill, I hit a stone…
Kris King's avatar
This one was started a couple of years ago – but it needed a substantial bit of rewriting to make it actually singable. It ended up about an elemental nature spirit looking after its minions. However the original inspiration was getting up in…

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AMUC's avatar
.. / .- -- / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / .... . .-. . / .... .. -.. .. -. --. / .-- .. - .... .. -. / .- / -- .- -.-. .... .. -. . Samples : Freesound ( * 169340_audiorichter_ahh-female-startled-surprised-various * 169209_freeicecream12…
calmlikerye's avatar
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
slkrell's avatar
Oh I had a first love, so did you
trawnajim's avatar
An imaginary subterranean soundscape created with part of an antique trombone with improvised mouthpiece, run through my favourite EHX Stereo Memory Man / Zoom RFX-300 effects combination. Submitted to the Sound-In event "Earth" for 22-29/4/2021.

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slkrell's avatar
Oh I had a first love, so did you
STARRz BEATZ's avatar
STARRz BEATZ's avatar
Official Single to unreleased Album: "OBONG EKPE 2".

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Kris King's avatar
Blue Cheese And Strawberries - the sky on a summer evening - relaxing in the garden with a glass of gin - that's the real world for you right there
Kris King's avatar
Kris King said

Set The Eden Camera on the phone rose glass and shooting stars show to the world the things we’ve grown among the weeds and paving stones flourishing in five bars But in the garden now the Golden glow is low the evening air is so soft around my skin I drape my sweet imperfect self across a canvas chair and swing the rocks around a crystal pool of gin mark well my words the woods have wild birds among the trees and the sky it is a feast of blue cheese and strawberries We’re in a media society rose glass and shooting stars scripts and choreography this is your geography false gods and avatars But in the garden now the golden glow is low the evening air is so soft around my skin I drape my sweet imperfect self across a canvas chair and swing the rocks around a crystal pool of gin mark well my words the woods have wild birds among the trees and the sky it is a feast of blue cheese and strawberries Its like mirror-polished cyberspace rose glass and shooting stars filter out the naked face not a pixel out of place airbrush the battle scars But in the garden now the golden glow is low the evening air is so soft around my skin I drape my sweet imperfect self across a canvas chair and swing the rocks around a crystal pool of gin mark well my words the woods have wild birds among the trees and the sky it is a feast of blue cheese and strawberries

Kris King's avatar
This one was started a couple of years ago – but it needed a substantial bit of rewriting to make it actually singable. It ended up about an elemental nature spirit looking after its minions. However the original inspiration was getting up in…
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

tasting stars is such great imagery, with catching the silver moonlight in a bowl being so beautiful!! this is a wonderful song --- whoa ---

Kris King's avatar
I have posted far too many wafty and generally pleasant songs. Time for something a bit more dark and malevolent - back to the dark side...... Lyrics: I’m gonna wait until you are happy again And be waiting for you I’m gonna wait until…
Kris King's avatar
Kris King said

Lyrics added ... :-)

Kris King's avatar
I have posted far too many wafty and generally pleasant songs. Time for something a bit more dark and malevolent - back to the dark side...... Lyrics: I’m gonna wait until you are happy again And be waiting for you I’m gonna wait until…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Could you please add the lyrics. I'm a bit hard of hearing and I'm missing some words.

Kris King's avatar
Ashes and dragon's breath - bright things in the sky, childhood games, battlegrounds, cemeteries. Lyrics: Long long days, summer holidays, staying up late green wood on the bonfire, we danced around the flames street lights and stars…
Guest said

A very affecting voice!

Kris King's avatar

I have been writing songs since I was a teenager, singing at pub sessions since I was in my thirties, open mics and busking since my early fifties. Songwriting and performing have become a bigger part of my life as I have got older, and since retiring early a few years back it has become the thing that most defines me. I write my songs for myself, but am the proverbial pig in dirt when someone else likes them too. Big caveat : My songs are stories and musings - and most have no trace of the autobiographical about them - mind you, if they had I would have had an interesting life!

from Reading, GB

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