Shed Sounds

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Shed Sounds's avatar
I wrote this last year after an enforced absence from work. I discovered a really nice piano loop that I then chopped around by changing the key and adding some different melodies. This in turn sparked a chord sequence for the chorus and the…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I've recently been in the car listening to a TIDAL suggested playlist which contained a lot of 80s stuff by Nik Kershaw, Tears For Fears, the Duranies etc and had an enlightening moment…. If you’re not a pro then stop trying to play like one…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Featuring three multi-tracked pianos, this has got an 80s vibe to it at the beginning - kind of Ultravox meets Jean Michel Jarre until the drums, bass and guitars kick in. The drums are a hybrid of AI and my own rhythms/fills which I think lock…
Shed Sounds's avatar
This one was conceived at the same time as 'Joyful Calm' and shares some common themes in terms of mood but the ending is much less upbeat and a bit 'dark and brooding'.
Shed Sounds's avatar
An ironic title (and to a large extent the upbeat feel of the melody) as life was not aligned with joyful calm when I wrote it. However, I'm proud of this; it's not complicated and doesn't overstay its welcome. First of my songs to feature AI piano!

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tonycee's avatar
just trying to write a catchy reggae / soul / pop song ,about boy meets girl , and he thinks his luck my have changed , lol hope you like it . thanks for your time ....tony cee
tonycee's avatar
recorded this recently ,hope you like it ........cheers tony cee
Shed Sounds's avatar
I wrote this last year after an enforced absence from work. I discovered a really nice piano loop that I then chopped around by changing the key and adding some different melodies. This in turn sparked a chord sequence for the chorus and the…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I've recently been in the car listening to a TIDAL suggested playlist which contained a lot of 80s stuff by Nik Kershaw, Tears For Fears, the Duranies etc and had an enlightening moment…. If you’re not a pro then stop trying to play like one…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Featuring three multi-tracked pianos, this has got an 80s vibe to it at the beginning - kind of Ultravox meets Jean Michel Jarre until the drums, bass and guitars kick in. The drums are a hybrid of AI and my own rhythms/fills which I think lock…

Recent Favorites

Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) I've been missing in action for ages - apologies to all, I'm about to start listening again too. For ages, I'd been considering a move away from my trusty Boss BR1600 on which I've recorded and mixed nearly everything…
Sister Savage's avatar
Written and recorded as part of our family RPM project this year. :-D 13 year old Jasmine on vocals and ukulele. We wrote and recorded 10 songs under the name Cattica. It was just the best month of lockdown imaginable.
Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) I found this one while I was digging through the shoe-box for the 1994 songs. Apparently I wrote it on 10th November 1995. Foolishly, I thought it would only take a week or so to record... I was originally expecting…
Andrew Russe's avatar
(Remastered 22/10/2021) OK, let's delve once more into the magical shoebox of unused songs... I've already recorded several that were written in 1994 (Sleeping with the Ghost, Elizabeth's Room, With Mum Again, If You Knew, A Hundred and…
Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.

Latest Comments

Shed Sounds's avatar
I wrote this last year after an enforced absence from work. I discovered a really nice piano loop that I then chopped around by changing the key and adding some different melodies. This in turn sparked a chord sequence for the chorus and the…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

love this tune very catchy .....cheers tony cee

Shed Sounds's avatar
I wrote this last year after an enforced absence from work. I discovered a really nice piano loop that I then chopped around by changing the key and adding some different melodies. This in turn sparked a chord sequence for the chorus and the…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Shed Sounds said

Thank you for you kind comment @tonycee

Shed Sounds's avatar
I wrote this last year after an enforced absence from work. I discovered a really nice piano loop that I then chopped around by changing the key and adding some different melodies. This in turn sparked a chord sequence for the chorus and the…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

like this nice catchy tune great listen ........cheers tony cee

Shed Sounds's avatar
An ironic title (and to a large extent the upbeat feel of the melody) as life was not aligned with joyful calm when I wrote it. However, I'm proud of this; it's not complicated and doesn't overstay its welcome. First of my songs to feature AI piano!
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

AI piano..? That should be depressing but it's a pretty nice flavour - lovely breezy feel on this beautiful day.

Shed Sounds's avatar
Back in 1985 I was in a band at school - at that time I didn't play an instrument; I was the singer (!) This track was entitled 'Dreaming In Colour' (the music written by band members Giles Hancock and Tim Finch) and I thought it would be fun…
Guest said

Tim here. Yup very faithful to our original 1985 version! How on earth we passed any O levels at all is beyond me!

Shed Sounds's avatar

A 50-something bloke noodling around with a bass guitar in a posh shed. I made lots of music between 2019 and 2021 whilst in Dubai under the name of dxbisolation.

Now back in blighty ‘enjoying’ things…

from Coventry, GB

Who Shed Sounds follows

Sister Savage's avatar
Andrew Russe's avatar

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86 tracks