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Kris King

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Blue Cheese And Strawberries - the sky on a summer evening - relaxing in the garden with a glass of gin - that’s the real world for you right there

Kris King's avatar
Kris King said

Set The Eden Camera on the phone rose glass and shooting stars show to the world the things we’ve grown among the weeds and paving stones flourishing in five bars But in the garden now the Golden glow is low the evening air is so soft around my skin I drape my sweet imperfect self across a canvas chair and swing the rocks around a crystal pool of gin mark well my words the woods have wild birds among the trees and the sky it is a feast of blue cheese and strawberries We’re in a media society rose glass and shooting stars scripts and choreography this is your geography false gods and avatars But in the garden now the golden glow is low the evening air is so soft around my skin I drape my sweet imperfect self across a canvas chair and swing the rocks around a crystal pool of gin mark well my words the woods have wild birds among the trees and the sky it is a feast of blue cheese and strawberries Its like mirror-polished cyberspace rose glass and shooting stars filter out the naked face not a pixel out of place airbrush the battle scars But in the garden now the golden glow is low the evening air is so soft around my skin I drape my sweet imperfect self across a canvas chair and swing the rocks around a crystal pool of gin mark well my words the woods have wild birds among the trees and the sky it is a feast of blue cheese and strawberries

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