
vaisvil's avatar

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vaisvil's avatar
Using my sonic Mustang plugged into the Behringer perfect pitch to drive Brains and to use the midi stream to trigger two Live drum kits. Proof of Concept.
vaisvil's avatar
two nylon guitar tracks with used strymon timeline echo
vaisvil's avatar
$139 Sonic Mustang, ebow, Live effects, Synth V, and my heart goes out to all federal employees fired and threatened by madness.
vaisvil's avatar
my modular in a live patching / knob twisting session captured live. Neutron x 2 Brains x 1 No external effects, eq, or other misguided adventures.
vaisvil's avatar
And the clock strikes twelve And as though magic happens Don't know what we expect Turning of the page Humans put things into measured steps To comprehend The incomprehensible The impossible (please wipe that tear away from your eye…

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Newbold's avatar
some surge XT experiments --- enjoy I am using surge as a stand alone app and feeding it random notes from a max 9 MSP patch --- the sounds are me actively changing parameters -- spectrum analysis
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Newbold's avatar
it is Aeolian not aeplian seems I did not notice that late last nite this morning... but this is 11 tracks 5 midi tracks 5 audio tracks both slowed down and then Chris is the 11th track with the aeolian harp sounds thru the whole 7hr song this…
bwsmith's avatar
Wollix's avatar
Finally found time to finish another Track. Have fun!

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Newbold's avatar
some surge XT experiments --- enjoy I am using surge as a stand alone app and feeding it random notes from a max 9 MSP patch --- the sounds are me actively changing parameters -- spectrum analysis
Newbold's avatar
it is Aeolian not aeplian seems I did not notice that late last nite this morning... but this is 11 tracks 5 midi tracks 5 audio tracks both slowed down and then Chris is the 11th track with the aeolian harp sounds thru the whole 7hr song this…
bwsmith's avatar
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
acoustic57's avatar
This came to me as kind of a fun thing to try. Definitely not meant to be serious. Hope you like it :-)

Latest Comments

vaisvil's avatar
Using my sonic Mustang plugged into the Behringer perfect pitch to drive Brains and to use the midi stream to trigger two Live drum kits. Proof of Concept.
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Excellent 👌🏻

vaisvil's avatar
$139 Sonic Mustang, ebow, Live effects, Synth V, and my heart goes out to all federal employees fired and threatened by madness.
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Besides you I'm the first person to hear this.. if I'm reading the status correctly. Thanks for putting that there 😁. You're using the live effects 👍🏻 nicely 😄.. my heart goes to the federal employees people that lost their jobs because they just didn't have job security and had not worked long enough to not be fired 😕. Gosh I am starting to get scared about complaining of the madness 😭.. peace ✌🏻🕊️

vaisvil's avatar
my modular in a live patching / knob twisting session captured live. Neutron x 2 Brains x 1 No external effects, eq, or other misguided adventures.
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Frequency modulation frequencies may be interesting to see what you have and listen to it is maybe a four oscillator task.. everything I noticed is usually a oscillator modulated another oscillator depending on routings that third oscillator modulated each of the other two oscillators in parallel or together in series.. the fourth oscillator would need multiple switches to work and choose from for the configuration then the task is to listen to hear what way is the sound that is needed.. I am not sure if that makes sense??

vaisvil's avatar
Stratocastor, EHX Attack Decay, El Capistan
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

this sounds like a lazy summer afternoon under the magnolias! Lovely!

vaisvil's avatar
Voice and viola All of the bodies All of the pain All of the anguish All of the cries to Heaven All of the bodies All of the pain All of the anguish All of the cries to Heaven All of the families All of them taken away All of…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Haunting Chris, as it should be! Viola and layering sounds really good!

vaisvil's avatar

The question of how microtonality is perceived and why is a hotly debated one. There seems to be, in general, but not in all cases, shared intervals around the world, like the 5th. However non-western cultures use, in general, microtonal tunings. 12 equal notes to an octave is a relatively recent invention in the west. 300 years ago it was common for what would be now called a microtonal tuning to be in common, everyday use. As best as can be determined the push for 12 equal was all about changing keys in a single piece of music. If you take the tuning of the middle ages, Pythagorean, you find you can’t play in any key despite having 12 notes because the intervals between the notes are not equally spaced. As a result when you take a pure chord and move it up or down the octave with the same distance between the notes it could become something hideous. 12 Equal solves that problem at the expense of detuning all notes, some more than others.

from I think it would be a good idea. Mahatma Gandhi, when asked what he thought of Western civilization, AQ

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