
launched's avatar

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launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
launched's avatar
A collab with Tod Wolfe and Ken Davidsen - Awesome dudes! Tod - Drums Ken - Crunchy guitar, effects and solos Me - Vocals, plunky/strummy uke parts and bass
launched's avatar
I can only listen to Mustang Sally so many times. But Genghis has the most incredible tone. I can't keep my ears of it!
launched's avatar
A collaboration with buddies of mine from Just dug it out again today and thought I'd share it. Gnasty - Guitars, T-Jam Ratatat-tat Drums Me - Bass, Vox
launched's avatar
I wrote this for my girlfriend, but she'll never hear it because Travis Twitt is the earth moon and sun. It's not really that good anyway :)

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Reefwalker's avatar
This is a true story. Im pretty sure this guy still has a taxi job on the night shift in Denver. Too long since I’ve posted a song. Most importantly, I got Norm to dust off the skins and record some percussion for me. Good to hear Norm and…
Reefwalker's avatar
always liked this song, hats off to Radiohead Cheers!
Norm's avatar
All of a sudden, Mercy. Just like that. Everything: Reefwalker Percussion: Norm Sound Bite: A bad-assed sage, who is very special to us. Etching: Bob Coronato
Greg Connor's avatar
Happy Holidays from Minnesota
Paul Lennon's avatar
This is the lite version. I have a real heavy version of this one still on the presses. I'm not sure which one I like better. Crunchy guitars and stuff :) Cool Hammond patch right? It's yours if you want to jam on it. Feel free…

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spacehoers's avatar
Ken's avatar
Just a mellow instrumental to get involved here. Hope you like it!
Reefwalker's avatar
Something for the February lull my RPM friends. Lyrics by Billy Gibbons.
Nick P's avatar
A BIG, BIG thank you to Wildgeas who took my simple acoustic guitar song and turned it into a beautiful work of art. Arrangements and Production done magnificently by Paul Lennon (Wildgeas). Also, special thank you to Bethan who put her sweet…
Haltia's avatar
This is a song about early spring, sun, melting snow, dirty windows and increasing amount of light....

Latest Comments

launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
Norm's avatar
Norm said


launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

And that transition!

launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Been waiting for a launched tune for a long time. Great to hear from you Brotha!

launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
launched's avatar
launched said

Will get the link fixed Ken, don't want a Small Tins of Fruit happening lol. You rock!

launched's avatar
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
Ken's avatar
Ken said

Rocks! Glad to hear this!

launched's avatar

Just a man and his guitar having a little fun. Sometimes my friends join in!

Most of my songs are created with the Boss Micro BR, a pocket sized recording studio.

from New Hampshire, United States

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