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A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
A collab with Tod Wolfe and Ken Davidsen - Awesome dudes!
Tod - Drums
Ken - Crunchy guitar, effects and solos
Me - Vocals, plunky/strummy uke parts and bass
I can only listen to Mustang Sally so many times. But Genghis has the most incredible tone. I can't keep my ears of it!
A collaboration with buddies of mine from Just dug it out again today and thought I'd share it.
Gnasty - Guitars, T-Jam
Ratatat-tat Drums
Me - Bass, Vox
I wrote this for my girlfriend, but she'll never hear it because Travis Twitt is the earth moon and sun.
It's not really that good anyway :)
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This is a true story. Im pretty sure this guy still has a taxi job on the night shift in Denver.
Too long since I’ve posted a song. Most importantly, I got Norm to dust off the skins and record some percussion for me. Good to hear Norm and…
always liked this song, hats off to Radiohead
All of a sudden, Mercy. Just like that.
Everything: Reefwalker
Percussion: Norm
Sound Bite: A bad-assed sage, who is very special to us.
Etching: Bob Coronato
This is the lite version.
I have a real heavy version of this one still on the presses.
I'm not sure which one I like better.
Crunchy guitars and stuff :)
Cool Hammond patch right?
It's yours if you want to jam on it.
Feel free…
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Another dirty mp3 sent 'round the world. Kind of like a musical chain letter :) A song I wrote about out of body experiences. It showed up finished in my email one day - No kidding!!!
Another song entirely created by the Boss Micro BR…
It's not unusual to chase your girl around with a dull axe, is it? Just kidding - This was 60 tracks and almost a year to finish. I had some help:
Guitars: Tony W
Fadeout Solo: Gnasty
Acoustic/Rhythm Guitars: Me
Phone Message: Tony W &…
I couldn't help myself, it's one of my favorite Beatles songs.
Drums by Drum Bum
Guitars by Gnasty
Vocals by Me and Gnasty
Bass by Me
I wrote this for my girlfriend, but she'll never hear it because Travis Twitt is the earth moon and sun.
It's not really that good anyway :)
A few of you know I accidentally wiped out one of my SD cards that had all my works in progress on it. I'm just starting to piece it all together again - A slow process. This was supposed to be a reprise to "In My Head", but ended up being in…
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Just a mellow instrumental to get involved here. Hope you like it!
Something for the February lull my RPM friends.
Lyrics by Billy Gibbons.
A BIG, BIG thank you to Wildgeas who took my simple acoustic guitar song and turned it into a beautiful work of art. Arrangements and Production done magnificently by Paul Lennon (Wildgeas). Also, special thank you to Bethan who put her sweet…
This is a song about early spring, sun, melting snow, dirty windows and increasing amount of light....
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A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
Will get the link fixed Ken, don't want a Small Tins of Fruit happening lol. You rock!
A collab with K.Davidsen, Dave Berry and Speed Demon (Gene) that I never put up but it's a cool tune and these guys rock so I floated it up to the cloud!
Just a man and his guitar having a little fun. Sometimes my friends join in!
Most of my songs are created with the Boss Micro BR, a pocket sized recording studio.
from New Hampshire, United States
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