K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions
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I heard Steves Barcadi & Coke http://alonetone.com/slkrell/tracks/bacardi-and-coke.mp3 and couldn't get that tune out of my head i knew i had to do something with it so i did and here it is one take and of the cuff i know its 154 Bacardi instead…
A bit of improv done yesterday with my newly refurbished fretless guitar. Finally got the midi pickup to track almost right! Part of the sounds were gotten by rubbing a teaspoon on the strings.
More ambient experimentation with my fretless guitar and Roland GR20. This time I used some sounds from the magnetic pickups as well as the midi pickup. Kind of a cheesy synth patch I know, but it was working for me!
Who to believe? relatives, who drop out over time? loved ones, that dissolve in the night? yourself one, without being sure of anything? to a stranger who disappears at the same moment? Perhaps the question itself is not correct.
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Sam was a very articulate and kind friend; he spend way too much of his life in a wheel chair and yet demonstrated a lot of grace.
We lost him just over a year ago.
Among many other unexpected, Christ-like kindnesses, he realized at one point…
Think about it both ways:
A kind noting of limitation-
A grateful noting, on the part of limited one, of kindness
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The new new testament will include the book of St. Jones.
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((GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN over Blue in Green changes))
Love the Gregorian-ish counter in the back, you sly dog!
kss STUDIOLOGY sound arts side of project
Digital Models Plus (An extended piece on music’s narratival/metaphoric/spiritual possibility.)
KSS is an artist-teacher and hopeful pilgrim. Thanks for taking precious time to listen; enjoy where you can.
contact: kevinssparks@yahoo.com
ALSO CHECK soundcloud.com/kscotsparks
The little profile image is a photo taken in Connecticut in ’92; its called ‘92 WAS THE 29TH SUMMER.’ Please find [other] visual works and statements at photoblog.com/kscotsparks
The ‘best-o-the Best’ to and through you… …All Ways.
from STUDIOLOGY, United States
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