Erik Spangler

Erik Spangler's avatar

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Erik Spangler's avatar
Remix of "Put A Nickel On My Door" by Oh My Goodness.
Erik Spangler's avatar
A live improvisation on material drawn from an older composition of mine for solo guitar, "Gut Matrix". In this performance from a Purple City Players concert at Maryland Institute College of Art in November 2010, Ben Beirs played the live guitar…
Erik Spangler's avatar
My contribution to Mobtown Modern's Project 20 Remix, incorporating samples from 20 Baltimore musicians: Karin Brown, viola; Dave Ballou, trumpet; Sam Burt, extended instruments; Audrey Chen, cello and voice; Will Redman, vibraphone; Shodekeh…
Erik Spangler's avatar
A short track I made with a theremin, a handful of loops, and the great Buffer Shuffler in Max For Live.
Erik Spangler's avatar
This beat was made while teaching my Sound I summer class about making sample-based beats in Reason software. It is named after the new Circulator energy-efficient free bus in Baltimore. My main non-drum samples here are from my piece "Granite…

Recently Listened To

Erik Spangler's avatar
Jason Sloan and I recorded this track in March 2010 as an improvisation in preparation for our performances on The Vigil all-night music festival at MICA. Jason describes the session: "Erik and I come from very different backgrounds in our approach…
Erik Spangler's avatar
Remix of "Put A Nickel On My Door" by Oh My Goodness.
Drop D's avatar
This tune was written on the day I bought my vintage Yamaha CP-25 electric piano and returned to hear that Dennis Hopper had passed away. I fired up the gear and cranked this out. The sound of the piano made me feel like Ray Manzarek...thus the…
Drop D's avatar
A little more up-tempo than my usual stuff, this is the first track I recorded with my melodica. Those things are TONS of fun. Had lots of fun making the drum track too. Really simple...drums, fretless bass (two tracks) and melodica...that's it.
Erik Spangler's avatar
A live improvisation on material drawn from an older composition of mine for solo guitar, "Gut Matrix". In this performance from a Purple City Players concert at Maryland Institute College of Art in November 2010, Ben Beirs played the live guitar…

Recent Favorites

alexbeats's avatar
From Alex B's Beat Tape Volume 1
Benjamin Wuamett's avatar
other stuff i never finished
glu's avatar
alexbeats's avatar
From Alex B's Beat Tape Volume 1
stimulusbeats's avatar

Latest Comments

Erik Spangler's avatar
This is another track resulting from a project in my digital music class at Oasis Charter Middle School (Spring 2007). Using a common pool of objects, my newborn daughter's baby instruments, I asked the students to create episodic sound illustrations…
Guest said


Erik Spangler's avatar
This is another song that came out of my year teaching at MATHS Charter School in the Baltimore City Public School System. Sewella Barnes was one of my students who would come after school to record after school, even when she was no longer taking…
Guest said

Great collab, love it

Erik Spangler's avatar
A live improvisation on material drawn from an older composition of mine for solo guitar, "Gut Matrix". In this performance from a Purple City Players concert at Maryland Institute College of Art in November 2010, Ben Beirs played the live guitar…
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Nice dynamics, method.

Erik Spangler's avatar
A live improvisation on material drawn from an older composition of mine for solo guitar, "Gut Matrix". In this performance from a Purple City Players concert at Maryland Institute College of Art in November 2010, Ben Beirs played the live guitar…
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Great dynamics. Interesting method!

Erik Spangler's avatar
A live improvisation on material drawn from an older composition of mine for solo guitar, "Gut Matrix". In this performance from a Purple City Players concert at Maryland Institute College of Art in November 2010, Ben Beirs played the live guitar…
Guest said

Now yer talkin'. Got more?

Erik Spangler's avatar

Erik Spangler (aka DJ Dubble8) received his Ph.D. in music composition from Harvard University in 2004. Since then, he has most frequently presented his compositions as a turntablist in solo and ensemble settings.

He is co-founder of the genre-bending duo Hybrid Groove Project, and Artistic Director of the Contemporary Museum’s Mobtown Modern music series in Baltimore.

from Baltimore, United States

Who Erik Spangler follows

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magneticgoat's avatar
Peter G. Brown's avatar
Golden Nose's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Licoresse's avatar
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karmacist's avatar
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Benjamin Wuamett's avatar

Stats and Stuff

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60 tracks