The springsteens

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The springsteens's avatar
The springsteens's avatar
The springsteens's avatar
The springsteens's avatar
i got home from street chant at like 2am, took my clothes off, sat on my bed and wrote this. its about me. and you and me. and i dedicate it to sylvia plath, because she is very cool.

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Sitting in the Denver airport; watching people walk on by...
girl named sam's avatar
Love song from the prompt "Rain"
the Hole Punchers's avatar
Spaghetti Party was our first foray into recording a complete song. MK came up with the idea of writing a song about her friend/co-worker who has "spaghetti parties" which involve him lying on his back on a couch in the basement by himself shoveling…
the Hole Punchers's avatar
We are still working on making some words for this song. We like to make up silly titles for songs before we have the lyrics, so the title is just kind of random. Liz does everything on this track, with the help of Garageband.
the Hole Punchers's avatar
This is the first 100% Liz-written song! Hooray! It's about a shitty party I went to on New Year's Eve. It sucked really hard. My bandmate MK was on antibiotics and couldn't drink, and this guy kept passing us by way too close getting his ass…

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thetworegs's avatar
The first cracks in the new relationship start to show from the Beginings Tapes
unadjustedeye's avatar
lyrics are "poop" by Charles Bukowski
thecrafteconomy's avatar
glu's avatar
Glu guides you through an instructional song, revealing secrets along the way. Instrumentation: Director's comments included! beat boxing, real swords, acoustic guitar, synthesizer, vocals, drum programming, tabla, and tambourine. My apologies…

Latest Comments

The springsteens's avatar
launched's avatar
launched said

Damn, I love it! A little surprise there in the middle, but cool!

The springsteens's avatar
launched's avatar
launched said

Sweeeeet!! Love the way the git was recorded, doesn't sound all crispy like it was plugged in. Great tune!

The springsteens's avatar
So I was sitting on some wanker's loungesuite watching Across The Universe in a big orange woolly jumper and it came to me! What do i want to say to you? " ??? You're Very Pretty". It just stemmed from that line, but instead of revealing your…
Guest said

not sure exactly why but this song hit me nice,I really like it, its pleasantly off kilter, lo-fi, and catchy, almost like it was all just improvised

The springsteens's avatar
Guest said

very cool.

The springsteens's avatar
not snoop dog, the other kind
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

liking the vibe

The springsteens's avatar

I’m the kid who sits by the window in french class. I’ve read kerouac so ha ha ha I am god, but I haven’t left my bedroom since. well I went to Kfc a couple of times. Tommy dawkins and I started our school’s Edie sedgwick appreciation society. Sonic the hedgehog and mrs Craven got involved, too. We meet every monday lunchtime in E101 where we eat eskimo pies and mescaline, and sabotage the prayer meeting next door in E103 with hilarious bob dylan-related consequences. Love to see you there next week for our annual viewing of Andy Warhol’s VINYL and gilmore girls ep. 46725035. p.s Tommy really ‘WOLF’s down those eskimo pies.

–Indie Pop–

from Christchruch, New Zealand

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