girl named sam

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girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 feat. Gary Fox instrumentation quiet down now, world bring the lights down, world we're going to paint a little pitch black moment hush those city lights those neon lullabies we're off and dreaming with our eyes wide open…
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 I'm not who I was don't judge me on memories and dust they're nothing but footprints in my past forgotten never coming back I've lost them but I'm searching pretty hard for new life step out from the dark into light…
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 see the bloodlust rise in your watchful eyes you're taking aim again will you pull me close to better reach my throat you wolf in woolen skin I know far too well how you kiss and tell you sing your siren song but these…
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 awesome remix by Carrier Signal
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 can you hear me doing my best tapping the glass in an S.O.S. I think I'm going under it's too much pulling me down wants and the needs and the give me now oh is it any wonder I'm barely holding on all my words get…

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girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 can you hear me doing my best tapping the glass in an S.O.S. I think I'm going under it's too much pulling me down wants and the needs and the give me now oh is it any wonder I'm barely holding on all my words get…
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 awesome remix by Carrier Signal
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 feat. Gary Fox instrumentation quiet down now, world bring the lights down, world we're going to paint a little pitch black moment hush those city lights those neon lullabies we're off and dreaming with our eyes wide open…
The Barn Storm's avatar
Same tracks, updated mixes
The Barn Storm's avatar
Same tracks, updated mixes

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The Barn Storm's avatar
Same tracks, updated mixes
Keith Landry's avatar
JUST AS WELL Why is youth so beautiful And why’s it always wasted on the young When did my days go flying by So many passes of the sun There’s so much I could tell you So much I’d like to say It might be just as well You never heard…
Colin Garvey's avatar
The second of two versions of Keith Landry's great song. Listen to the original [here](

Latest Comments

girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 Searching for the words To let you know I consider you A perfect work of art Studying the curves And the brush strokes Every inch is Easily my favorite part Trying to be smooth But you shake my spine I am coloring outside…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Love it. Trusting your RPM is coming along with some inscrutable inner momentum.

girl named sam's avatar
Written for the awesome webcomic, The Path, and its fantastical anti-hero, Chance McGavin.
Guest said

Thank you for this excellent music to cry to, ma'am

girl named sam's avatar
For the prompt, "Storm".
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Sam, this is gorgeous! w;-)

girl named sam's avatar
feat. Cville Ramblings on bass and lead guitar
Gary Fox's avatar
Gary Fox said

I just love this song. In a musical sense, I fall in love with it all over again every time I hear it.

girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 feat. Gary Fox instrumentation quiet down now, world bring the lights down, world we're going to paint a little pitch black moment hush those city lights those neon lullabies we're off and dreaming with our eyes wide open…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

outstanding. great tune

girl named sam's avatar

Sam picked up the left-handed classical guitar at age 10. Upon realizing that she had no skill whatsoever outside of holding the guitar in her lap, she abandoned the instrument with despair.

When she turned 14, she discovered she could learn right-handed guitar (despite being left-handed) when it was taught by particularly dreamy boys.

At age 16, Sam discovered she loved guitars much more than dreamy boys, especially since guitars never stand you up at school dances or date your best friend. Sam started filling up notebooks and recording with an old computer microphone with a sock taped around it.

Today, Sam is recording everywhere from Nashville studios to her home office in Texas. She performs everywhere and anywhere they let her in the door–including weddings and the occasional biker bar. She has probably written a song for you or about you, but will probably never tell you either way.

from United States

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