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yelyah - “solo piano 20100411” semi live improv
Semi live in that I had an idea of where I wanted to go, but never locked the melody in (as is probably obvious).
yelyah - “solo piano 20100410” live improv piano
Sometimes I leave in the fumbling beginnings because they’re amusing to me.
This would be one of those times.
yelyah - “solo piano 20100409” simple piano melody
I really should do something further with this some day.
I guess I’m still on a semi-holiday after the marathon songwriting session that produced half life.
yelyah - “solo piano 20100408” live improv piano
Listen as I fall apart near the end of it.
Funny how it's generally the songs that I spend the most time on, where I hardly write any story.
So I'll just briefly say this is the []( song that I hadn't even intended to write.
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In 2006 we visited a Japanese garden. In September of 2009 I wrote this piano piece in 17 ET and I hear a connection between the two. So I put together a video from pictures and video taken of our visit and married the two. Please visit the song…
Love like a salt river washing away
Love's like sunshine evaporate
Love like floating candles blowing away
Watch out for the way you'll compensate
When I've seen all you have to give
When I'm still hungry
I need more than this
Tell me how…
Okay so here it is, this is the blues piano piece I've been learning since **forever**. Tonight is the first time I've been able to play it through, twice, without making some kind of mistake.
That said I had to slow to 80bpm which is too slow…
Written and Recorded April 18, 2010
Some people accidentally delete tracks...I accidentally kept this one :)
Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD, Capo III), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, Audacity.
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Of all the days I had to get up super early, it happened to fall on the first day of spring. Also known as (fingers crossed) the worst day of spring.
I spent part of the early morning digging my car out from underneath the ice and snow. Later…
Don't cry over spilt milk, it is nothing, there's more in the fridge.
From December 2007.
Given the spirited twitter reaction to the question of whether SisterSavage should buy pitch correction software, I submit this. The pre-melodyne version of "spilt milk".
It also retains my so-called "MST3K" vocals, which were removed in the…
My first serious/non-serious effort on the [Everyday Looper iPhone app](
* 100% recorded through the iPhone
* probably 95% iPhone headset mic, 5% internal mic
* 98% my voice, 2% my piano…
yelyah - “solo piano 20100411” semi live improv
Semi live in that I had an idea of where I wanted to go, but never locked the melody in (as is probably obvious).
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Love like a salt river washing away
Love's like sunshine evaporate
Love like floating candles blowing away
Watch out for the way you'll compensate
When I've seen all you have to give
When I'm still hungry
I need more than this
Tell me how…
Okay so here it is, this is the blues piano piece I've been learning since **forever**. Tonight is the first time I've been able to play it through, twice, without making some kind of mistake.
That said I had to slow to 80bpm which is too slow…
The chorus is adapted from "O Death Rock Me Asleep", by Anne Boleyn, while imprisoned in the Tower of London, waiting for her execution.
(Tolar & Savigear 2010)
A typical folk song.
Written and recorded in about an hour for the 24 hour album (attempted on March 13th). Excuse roughness and vocal glitches, it was 2am and this was my first full take.
Thanks to montgomeru for his chord suggestions…
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Pro Tip:
No amount of multi take recording features will fix it when you're flat/sharp on *all* of the takes.
Based on a true story.
There's something wrong in the world today
I just can't believe it
I just can't believe it
It's the…
Given the spirited twitter reaction to the question of whether SisterSavage should buy pitch correction software, I submit this. The pre-melodyne version of "spilt milk".
It also retains my so-called "MST3K" vocals, which were removed in the…
lullaby featuring piano (but of course!)
Today I learned how to add an insert effect to the master channel. The song was way quiet so it got boosted via a limiter. Hurray.
Given the spirited twitter reaction to the question of whether SisterSavage should buy pitch correction software, I submit this. The pre-melodyne version of "spilt milk".
It also retains my so-called "MST3K" vocals, which were removed in the…
:'DD Thank you!
Here you will find the random music that I (yelyah) have composed.
Most of what I write tends to either be solo piano, new age, or electronic. Sometimes I sing. Sometimes I go for a laugh.
If you like what you hear, please follow me on my main site or via my tumblelog at (hosted on tumblr).
Thanks for listening!
from tornado alley, United States
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