Black Pepper Sea
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Sentiments I think most of us feel at one time or another.
Many of the most harmful things seem small and/or innocuous.
I have a love for solid, well-crafted love songs. Unfortunately, that's not what you're going to get here!
Daft Punk and Wire hire Le Tigre for an homage to Bert Convy.
And the password IS 'raincoat.'
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Jekyll and Hyde
are both well and alive
and they're living inside of home
Jekyll is kind to me
Smiles all the time to me
Hyde is a wild arrow from a bow
As much as Jekyll makes you smile
If she drinks herself some wine
You'll be the one that…
Something I'm working on for RPM 2011. I think this is a really pretty tune, just wish I had the kind of voice for singing it.
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This song has been hobbling around half-written in my psyche for eons, and it took the RPM Challenge to finally finish it!
Like many of my generation, my first peek into the world of women (and what they looked like under their clothes) was National…
A song I've had stored in my head for quite awhile, though never committed to tape (erm... binary code) - probably because I thought it was a bit simple and even trite. Having to come up with an album's worth of material in a month cured me of…
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Bouncy, with ear candy. Wanted to do something different with this one, keep it from being too predictable. I think I succeeded. I also happen to really like my "squawk, squawk" gtr stabs in the verses.
1.Afsluitdijk a Dutch word and it's the name of the dam/road going from the province Friesland to North-Holland (and Amsterdam) The lyrics are about a 15-year old boy who feels so trapped in the boring Frisian town he's living in that he…
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Lorelei reaches her breaking point after years of abuse — via a failed attempt at an homage to Ennio Morricone (had he been Mexican).
What are young these days?. I miss your music.
This song has been hobbling around half-written in my psyche for eons, and it took the RPM Challenge to finally finish it!
Like many of my generation, my first peek into the world of women (and what they looked like under their clothes) was National…
This song has been hobbling around half-written in my psyche for eons, and it took the RPM Challenge to finally finish it!
Like many of my generation, my first peek into the world of women (and what they looked like under their clothes) was National…
This song has been hobbling around half-written in my psyche for eons, and it took the RPM Challenge to finally finish it!
Like many of my generation, my first peek into the world of women (and what they looked like under their clothes) was National…
Dan McHale
I enjoyed this. The beat and ambience evoke the subject. Diving into "the blue" is a good theme. I made made a short film about a diver. You can see it here:
“Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living.” — Jonathan Safran Foer
from Nashville, United States
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