am/fm dreams
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I wrote and recorded this song in March 2021, the day after we lost our precious little cat Carmen. It was recorded in one take to my iPad. A heavy version of it appears as the closer on our 2023 RPM album "No Confetti"
from Scraps…
Written and recorded on one hot summers day in 2006. Then buried and forgotten about it until 2024.
from Scraps (1994-2024), released July 11, 2024
written by Damian Lethbridge (2006)
An unfinished track from 2012's "Red Milk" RPM sessions. Danielle had this cool piano instrumental that we never got around to doing anything with. I feel like it stands on it's own as an instrumental.
from Scraps (1994-2024), released…
I think this is were I was trying to go with "End of the World" back in the 90's. From the 2002-2005 lost sessions.
from Scraps (1994-2024), released July 11, 2024
written by Damian Lethbridge (2003)
Another weird song from the 90's I found on a cassette tape.
from Scraps (1994-2024), released July 11, 2024
written by Damian Lethbridge (1998)
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Lessons not, quickly forgotten.
Stable eye, upbuild downtrodden.
Troubled times, lay down often.
Catch the sky, once in a while.
No longer a sound.
Lack of presence feelin' down.
Nothing to put my arms around.
Emptiness is not profound…
I saw her mother
Just the other day
She didn’t know me
So I froze on what to say
When she was happy
Nothing made her frown
Danced so much
They even gave her a crown
She was , she was royalty
Really wish that she remembered me
What's your angle?
Why, you want everything for free?
Is it your ego,
or how you want the world to be?
Chase your desire,
But your blind to the cost.
Grab at the surface.
Your ideology is lost.
You can't have it all!
This is the price…
Push & pull,
Left & right,
Up & down,
Don't forget your dog's in this fight.
All so hard to see in this light.
Couldn’t put it any other way,
Hands up in the air as if they’re trynna say,
Will I ever be…
One last cup of coffee
Before I hit the road
Where I’m going
You only know
Don’t forget me
Once i’m sold
Breaking down slowly
I suppose so
I’m beaten up
But I’ve grown up
Beaten up
Grow up
You’ll make someone happy
For a year…
Recent Favorites
Push & pull,
Left & right,
Up & down,
Don't forget your dog's in this fight.
All so hard to see in this light.
Couldn’t put it any other way,
Hands up in the air as if they’re trynna say,
Will I ever be…
Lessons not, quickly forgotten.
Stable eye, upbuild downtrodden.
Troubled times, lay down often.
Catch the sky, once in a while.
No longer a sound.
Lack of presence feelin' down.
Nothing to put my arms around.
Emptiness is not profound…
What's your angle?
Why, you want everything for free?
Is it your ego,
or how you want the world to be?
Chase your desire,
But your blind to the cost.
Grab at the surface.
Your ideology is lost.
You can't have it all!
This is the price…
It’s all smoke and mirrors
Why I can’t see straight
Will this illusion vanish
When will it break
The smoke it lifting
The mirrors clear
I wasn’t really risking
Everything is still there
Am I still dreaming
This just don’t sit right…
from the album xChange
original words and music by Damian Lethbridge
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in a deck of 52
dressed to the 9's in red and black suits
4 kings to give the orders
all absent minded fathers
4 queens to run for cover
forever missing mothers
2 jokers, they're the brothers
one in monochrome, the other full colour…
I'm wishing someone can go for a ride
I'm wishing, I'm wishing you well
I've got something that's growing inside
I'm hoping, I'm hoping I'm well
we got no backbone
we got no soul
we've got no back-up plan
no one can know
why you go rushing…
i set a wire in the woods
on a cold dark night when no one should be out
i was alone for a time
when the rabbits start to run the rings around my eyes
watching the shadows come to life
under cold, stark gaze of electric light
already hungry…
she's got a confident way of talking
knows where she's going when she walks
her fashion sense is never shocking
but it says "she's a boss"
it says "she's on top"
there is no question she can't answer
whether it's secular or trife
I'm wishing someone can go for a ride
I'm wishing, I'm wishing you well
I've got something that's growing inside
I'm hoping, I'm hoping I'm well
we got no backbone
we got no soul
we've got no back-up plan
no one can know
why you go rushing…
am/fm dreams are, have been, could be…
Danielle Poirier - vocals, bass, keys, ukulele
Marc Poirier - vocals, guitar, drums, keys,clarinet, ukulele
Damian Lethbridge - vocals, guitar, drums, keys,banjo,mandolin, Kalimba, accordion, violin, ukulele
Aaron White - guitar, vocals
Ken Primmer - guitar, e-bow
Chris Adams - guitar,banjo
from mount pearl/st.john's
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350 tracks