Circuit Tree

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Circuit Tree's avatar
electronic nutsiness made in reason and then imported into cubase, one of my favorites, incidentally
Circuit Tree's avatar
this one goes way ambient in the 2nd half, brian eno-ish, i wanted to experiment with doing a track with no drums
Circuit Tree's avatar
another one i always play on the guitar, inspired by Nick Drake's stuff; half way through this song goes into unknown guitar improvisational territory, where i just played over my own stuff after looping it
Circuit Tree's avatar
that is not a sample you hear in the background, it is the dryer going. leave it in? okay, sure i'll leave it in. it's these artistic decisions we're all forced to make.
Circuit Tree's avatar
didn't know what to call this track, but once i came up with a title, it wrote itself! i heard on npr about how all this junk of ours is making outerspace around Earth a very dangerous place to be. this track is trying to reflect that danger.

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Graduate's avatar
Paper Girls is one of those tracks which I wrote based on my experiences that I hope others can relate to in their own way. Soft, breathy vocals courtesy of Anezka Piska.
Graduate's avatar
Self-explanatory. Sorry if it breaks your speakers :)
Graduate's avatar
The obligatory ambient piece. I really wanted to experiment with balancing the bass and treble; it seems to have worked quite well. Bonus marks if you can identify any of the samples.
Graduate's avatar
This is the centrepiece of the album; my self-confessed preferred track to RPM HQ. Powerful vocals by Jen Gibbons and heavy beats supplied by Chris Thomas. The drum track was heavily overdriven to crispen it up and the kick was given a lot of…
Graduate's avatar
The album takes a turn towards Electro.

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Rob and Laura's avatar
From America: the theme from "Bubble Bobble"
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Black Pepper Sea's avatar
A song that ended up in an entirely different place than from where it began. It was meant to have a dark 'David Gray' kind of feel, but ended up being the love child of 'Love and Rockets' and 'Stars on 45.'

Latest Comments

Circuit Tree's avatar
electronic nutsiness made in reason and then imported into cubase, one of my favorites, incidentally
Guest said

Great song! I love the bluesy vibe and the guitar riffs. The vocals are soulful and emotive. Well done, am/fm dreams!

Circuit Tree's avatar
this is about a couple who are at odds with each other because of their goals, could also be viewed as a guy who wants his partner to commit suicide with him? i usually play this on guitar, but for the RPM Challenge, i wanted to do it electronically…
Guest said

I like your shirt

Circuit Tree's avatar
this is about a couple who are at odds with each other because of their goals, could also be viewed as a guy who wants his partner to commit suicide with him? i usually play this on guitar, but for the RPM Challenge, i wanted to do it electronically…
Guest said


Circuit Tree's avatar
this one goes way ambient in the 2nd half, brian eno-ish, i wanted to experiment with doing a track with no drums
Guest said

Hey sir

Circuit Tree's avatar
this is about a couple who are at odds with each other because of their goals, could also be viewed as a guy who wants his partner to commit suicide with him? i usually play this on guitar, but for the RPM Challenge, i wanted to do it electronically…
Guest said

Your album is awesome!!!!!!!!!

Circuit Tree's avatar

Circuit Tree is electronic folk music. Dashiell Brown is a musician a.k.a. CIRCUIT TREE, journalist and dj. I host The New Spin, “the best music you’ve never heard” on CHMR-FM and my blog is Some Wicked,

I just finished my album OF A TIME for the 2009 RPM Challenge. Since I suffer from over-use syndrome they call it, I am very happy I was able to finish, despite the pain.

from St. John's, Canada

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