Vlad & Me
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This is a recording my brother and I did together in about 2008. He played the piano and I’m on viola.
He passed away on 05 December 2020.
We all miss him terribly - I’m glad we took the chance to make some small recordings like this. He…
Oh brother
Can you hear my words
From that strange place
Beyond this plane
Or maybe, just maybe
There’s nothing, there’s no one
To hear my call
My tears
The knife of tomorrow
Without you beside her
She wilts, she falters
She falls…
We spent 5 cold hours in a liferaft in Jervis Bay. It was... an experience. So I wrote a song about it, as I tend to do :P
I'm not actually sure what this song is called; in my head it has always been "Strawbie's Song" - Strawbie was my wonderful grandma (dad's mum) and this was her favourite hymn, so every once in a while mum sits down at the piano and I dig out…
This is a song by Geoff Bullock called I am Carried - this is one of my favourite ones to play on the viola as some of the harmonies are so low and lovely :D Enjoy.
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We spent 5 cold hours in a liferaft in Jervis Bay. It was... an experience. So I wrote a song about it, as I tend to do :P
Sometimes, don't you just feel so grateful to be alive? I wrote this song in just such a mood.
Beautiful Place (Vlad & Me - 2012)
The world is a beautiful place
The world is a beautiful place
The world is a beautiful place
The world is a…
This was my first ever experiment with Garage-band on my mac. Layer after layer of voice and viola. It's kind of about how one tries to move forward after the death of a loved one. There's some indefinable point when, instead of crying every time…
I've seen the band Alpine a couple times live - super fun! This is my favourite song of theirs, obviously a little bit different on viola.
This is one of my favourite songs - by Jon Brion. (This is only a cover.)
I just really appreciate the lyrics:
You've gotta hope
That there's someone for you
Strange as you are
Who can cope
With the things that you do
Without trying…
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So at the moment I am working in my local emergency department, and was recently verbally abused and threatened by a patient. At the time I was a little shocked, but not really offended. Later on, however, I thought to myself - 7 years of tertiary…
For anyone who has ever lost a friend to depression and suicide - you might identify with the lyrics.
The Rain Outside (Vlad & Me - 2013)
The rain outside
it falls on my window
and slides to join
its' friends below
I saw your face…
Viola and piano.
I wrote this piece in two sittings. In the first I was in a strange, almost bad mood. When I returned to it about a week later, it was time for a key change. You'll hear. Have a listen.
Hope you like it :)
Cover - I do not claim to have written this song.
Another of my favourites; Somewhere over the rainbow. Enjoy :)
To be perfectly clear - THIS IS A COVER, I do not claim to have written this song. Death Cab For Cutie did. I just did it with ukulele / viola :)
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This is a recording my brother and I did together in about 2008. He played the piano and I’m on viola.
He passed away on 05 December 2020.
We all miss him terribly - I’m glad we took the chance to make some small recordings like this. He…
Oh brother
Can you hear my words
From that strange place
Beyond this plane
Or maybe, just maybe
There’s nothing, there’s no one
To hear my call
My tears
The knife of tomorrow
Without you beside her
She wilts, she falters
She falls…
We spent 5 cold hours in a liferaft in Jervis Bay. It was... an experience. So I wrote a song about it, as I tend to do :P
So at the moment I am working in my local emergency department, and was recently verbally abused and threatened by a patient. At the time I was a little shocked, but not really offended. Later on, however, I thought to myself - 7 years of tertiary…
I think the lyrics are pretty self explanatory :)
Just a Dream (Vlad & Me - 2012)
I had a dream
the other night
It freaked the hell
Outta me
Though not
for all the usual fears
I was just
afraid of you
For you're my friend
that's what you…
I play viola. It’s a nice instrument. I call mine Vlad. Is that weird? Well, if it is, then I’m ok with weird. I also have a ukulele. I got it for my birthday from my super-cool parents. I don’t have a name for it yet. All of my stuff is recorded in super-rookie fashion, with Garage band on my mac and my iPod headphone mic. Some of it is purely instrumental, some of it includes voice. Instruments used include: viola, cello, piano, ukulele.
from Wollongong, Australia
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