
drorkessler's avatar

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drorkessler's avatar
drorkessler's avatar
When I was just shy of 17 The days were short, the nights were kings We stayed awake to sing a song We never thought we could do wrong Oh yea ... and that's when I found lust ... In the back room of a store Our bodies pressed on to the…
drorkessler's avatar
Originally written a few weeks ago as a concept. A few hours ago I set down and tried to figure out what was I singing about then ... most of the orignal lyrics are there, some phrasing and rhymes needed mending .. hooked some cables and recorded…
drorkessler's avatar
It's been some time since I posted here ... getting back to recording material ... hope you like it ... this one is time and love ... enjoy! Lyrics: It's getting late Oh, but not too late To fall in love To loose it all, to forget Your sense…
drorkessler's avatar
[this is the first recording I have made of this new song - on my iPhone - just as the words were taking share. Hope to recorded a more robust version for the next RPM. Enjoy folks!] It's getting late Oh, but not too late To fall in love To loose…

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thetworegs's avatar
messing around jamming and came up with this
drorkessler's avatar
[this is the first recording I have made of this new song - on my iPhone - just as the words were taking share. Hope to recorded a more robust version for the next RPM. Enjoy folks!] It's getting late Oh, but not too late To fall in love To loose…
drorkessler's avatar
Originally written a few weeks ago as a concept. A few hours ago I set down and tried to figure out what was I singing about then ... most of the orignal lyrics are there, some phrasing and rhymes needed mending .. hooked some cables and recorded…
drorkessler's avatar
When I was just shy of 17 The days were short, the nights were kings We stayed awake to sing a song We never thought we could do wrong Oh yea ... and that's when I found lust ... In the back room of a store Our bodies pressed on to the…
Jon Freeman's avatar
A mid tempo bluesy rock tune.

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NOW/here's avatar
time goes by, we never notice til we die this is the why, the how the where the goodbye maybe the preacher told you right from wrong maybe you think the wait is far too long to worry your head with every little thing cause life is just a dream…
Andrew Russe's avatar
So I was locked in the broom-cupboard, checking out some old songs that need recording. I'd just picked one and then suddenly this thing came out of nowehere. It started with one of those guitarist doodles that other musicians love so much…

Latest Comments

drorkessler's avatar
Originally written a few weeks ago as a concept. A few hours ago I set down and tried to figure out what was I singing about then ... most of the orignal lyrics are there, some phrasing and rhymes needed mending .. hooked some cables and recorded…
Guest said

Happy New Year guys! Fantastic seeing you both again! Superb track! Love Bethan

drorkessler's avatar
It's been some time since I posted here ... getting back to recording material ... hope you like it ... this one is time and love ... enjoy! Lyrics: It's getting late Oh, but not too late To fall in love To loose it all, to forget Your sense…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Like it.

drorkessler's avatar
[this is the first recording I have made of this new song - on my iPhone - just as the words were taking share. Hope to recorded a more robust version for the next RPM. Enjoy folks!] It's getting late Oh, but not too late To fall in love To loose…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Nice one. Looking forward to hearing the more robust version.

drorkessler's avatar
Its been a long since I learned a new songs ... so here's one by The Civil Wars: There's a note underneath your front door that I wrote twenty years ago Yellow paper and a faded picture And a secret in an envelope There's no reasons No excuses…
Guest said

Great tune well done. Dig that guitar riff.

drorkessler's avatar
Its been a long since I learned a new songs ... so here's one by The Civil Wars: There's a note underneath your front door that I wrote twenty years ago Yellow paper and a faded picture And a secret in an envelope There's no reasons No excuses…
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Nice cover!

drorkessler's avatar

The ferociously loud rooster in the neighboring yard, the red alert sirens of falling Qassam rockets, the lack of a car in a small town on the edge of the country … the fact that he can not play the drums for the life of him … the elements on nature indeed! … all give way to Dror Kessler when we puts down yet another heart piercing song on his kitchen table.

Hailing from Israel, recording for the past 12 years and performing solo for the past 2 years, Dror is ready.

Ready to delivery, to tour, to sit across from you and tell it like it is. Dror is ready. Ready to talk about getting hooked on a loved one, on reaching out for your post-adolescents, on what it means to be alive. On leaving everything behind for second chance. Dror is ready to talk about cutting the life support.

Dror is ready. Call him when you are.

from Sderot, Israel

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