Figblots & Chylum
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All F&C music is designed to be listened to through headphones. You may not experience the desired auditory hallucination effect if played through a different medium.
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All F&C music is designed to be listened to through headphones. You may not experience the desired auditory hallucination effect if played through a different medium.
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"Linear Lifestyle"
You can build a life
or you can tear one down
You can spend all your time
just hanging around
The Great Pyramid
is made of blocks
Do you measure yourself
by the tick of a clock?
Time is not a line -- it's a dot…
My take on Gumbo's Keep Your Eye On The Spot, one of many excellent tracks from his RPM2011 album 'Cat's Moustache'. It's something of a departure from the original, though I was trying to retain an element of the gospel so hopefully its soul…
Latest Comments
Such a pretty melody. Good choice!
genre-bending, lo-to-mid-fi recording collective from small-town ohio. includes forays into rock, alt-country, folk, abstract, spoken word, experimental, avant garde guitar, sound collage.
from Leavittsburg, OH, United States
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23 tracks