Trevor Lewis
Latest Music
I was not among those
who cried
the emperor has no clothes
I believed
(I still believe)
The lights and the colours of this city are deceiving
but they were never meant to be
to be believed
They're meant to be seen
(To replace the night)
"Dancing Light"
by FuzzFace and Andy Casson
Sunlight beams onto this iceberg
I feel every time and place in this world
(Your heart beats a node on a string of pearls)
My thoughts soar through the sky
(As the day becomes night we…
Am I
your favorite color
on the side
your bread is buttered
Wake me
while I hover
Watch me
run for cover
My disintegrated
cloud of flakes
decends upon you
to soothe your aches
Maybe we're
a fairy tale
but my thin world
is not a veil.
White crystal sheen
I'm living the dream
Not a crack in the ice
a surface pristine
But the light's too bright to be
The light's too bright for me
Black sculpture divine
a moment in time
immortalized and admired
at your absolute prime
But the…
Recently Listened To
"Natural Lovers"
As the sun gradually warms
the cool morning air
crashing waves erode time
layer after layer
and bright bumble bees
multiply wild flowers
Oceans get deeper
hills become towers
I became your man.
Like the very…
a stripped down version from Rapunzel and i.............
I've been messing about with the bass and came up with this bass-line and the rest just fell into's a bit bumpy but hey i'm learning as i go...
it’s all gone wrong
once we we were good, we…
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"Winston's Black Dog"
I could have made a great Prime Minister
Just need a good reason to be sinister
Give me an army, an enemy,
a great war --
and I'll deliver
Put me in the middle of nowhere
In the wilderness I'll survive
But in an air-conditioned…
"Linear Lifestyle"
You can build a life
or you can tear one down
You can spend all your time
just hanging around
The Great Pyramid
is made of blocks
Do you measure yourself
by the tick of a clock?
Time is not a line -- it's a dot…
"Dogs Playing Poker"
Just when I swear
that I've had enough
from inside my glass
salutes my bluff
Slaves to a mutually
assured reduction
slaves to each other,
to our blood -- we are lovers
Whether or not
Rome fell in a day
at some point
"Where Is My Woman?"
You've gone on
traded your soul
for a life that smells
of a flowery aroma
you're flying colours
flying cars
don't do anything
for the lives on Mars
crossing the Sahara
fixated on the poles
the meaning of…
"Fighters Inside"
I didn't always see myself from three feet away
Now my alter ego shadows me all day
There is no war out here tonight
All the fighters are inside
Disaster is apparently a natural state
The winner's tactic is to defy fate
Recent Favorites
Acoustic improv. Top 3 pairs of strings tuned a 4th apart on 11 string guitar. And a touch of synth.
I called it this because that was the first thing that came into my mind when I played it back after writing it.
Oldrottenhead - lyrics/vocals
Dave Berry - Epi Sheraton, bass, keys, drums played on Roland HD-1
Latest Comments
I was not among those
who cried
the emperor has no clothes
I believed
(I still believe)
The lights and the colours of this city are deceiving
but they were never meant to be
to be believed
They're meant to be seen
(To replace the night)
Dave Berry
Great song Fuzz. That bass rumbling away there is moving my brain. This song just moves me.
"Imaginary Friend"
Perplexed and perturbed
downright disturbed
After decades of fighting
my lone war in this world
lo and behold -- she's returned
When I stopped believing in you
I stopped believing in me
Could you have been true
a premonition…
Super cool!
"Natural Lovers"
As the sun gradually warms
the cool morning air
crashing waves erode time
layer after layer
and bright bumble bees
multiply wild flowers
Oceans get deeper
hills become towers
I became your man.
Like the very…
"Natural Lovers"
As the sun gradually warms
the cool morning air
crashing waves erode time
layer after layer
and bright bumble bees
multiply wild flowers
Oceans get deeper
hills become towers
I became your man.
Like the very…
Nice one!
In my apartment, I record bass, guitar, drums and (unfortunately) vocals.
Ukulele has managed to elbow it’s way into my repertoire and I am known to season with tambourine rather liberally.
Thanks for listening… and thanks to AloneTone for this great service.
— FuzzFace
I also have an online webcomic Planet X, and the beginnings of a personal art gallery.
photo by Svetoslav Radulov
from Pays des merveilles / Land of Marvels (Wonderland)
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31 tracks