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put those dreams away before you let them fall
for you will break them all
It's a small song about a blurred childhood memory of a night in the woods when a wild boar made us run home in panic.
The monster came through the ground
Across the glade we ran
There was a sense we felt again - never felt again.
Don't go to the streets
Where they put you to the ground
Where they put you to the wall
And they steal your broken heart
Don't go to the streets
Where they say that it's ok
Where they've seen it all before
And they put you to the wall
The hand…
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put those dreams away before you let them fall
for you will break them all
Experimenting with asynchronous, layered picking. I thought it would sound really cool. Guess what? It doesn't! ... Well, all of the mistakes aside ... it's growing on me.
This is her second song. Or rather, it's called Her Second Song -- it's probably more like her 99th song. But it's her last song. I swear....
I know I said I would always be there
I know I said you would always always always be mine
I know…
But then sometimes in the colorless light of a hazy windy moonlit night, the feeling haunts you like you've known that you would always be alone.
But then sometimes in the sparkling sun, you think of things you should have done…
To everyone missing.
I found silver in your mouth
on a holiday
found stories in your eyes
beautiful as mould
6000 miles away
I finally recalled
the secrets on your skin
in scars and birthmarks
open wounds
secret stories of…
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I made this simple song to try out playing an acoustic guitar with an ebow. It works, but it's quite quiet. The movement of the fingers on the fretboard is louder than the sounds. I didn't use any effects on the guitar tracks.
I recorded my voice…
This is my english version of Heysátan by Sigur Rós. It's not a direct translation but it's in principle the same song.
I know the guitar is a bit out of tune. The capo messed it up. Sorry for that.
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But then sometimes in the colorless light of a hazy windy moonlit night, the feeling haunts you like you've known that you would always be alone.
But then sometimes in the sparkling sun, you think of things you should have done…
It aint like no ones done this before
But how can you tire of beautiful chords
In the fifties
In Tenessee
Where my love
was born
Two young men upped and
crossed the yard
both cold cos it was rainin hard.
One of them turned said…
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Don't go to the streets
Where they put you to the ground
Where they put you to the wall
And they steal your broken heart
Don't go to the streets
Where they say that it's ok
Where they've seen it all before
And they put you to the wall
The hand…
Don't go to the streets
Where they put you to the ground
Where they put you to the wall
And they steal your broken heart
Don't go to the streets
Where they say that it's ok
Where they've seen it all before
And they put you to the wall
The hand…
Love the song!
put those dreams away before you let them fall
for you will break them all
I make music for fun in my living room and my heart gets warm if you appreciate it.
from Hamburg, Germany
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14 tracks