Cameron Steele

Cameron Steele's avatar

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Cameron Steele's avatar
Professional drowner; accidental hitman.
Cameron Steele's avatar
Discover the truth for yourself.
Cameron Steele's avatar
I am burning up. I just... I just want to spread love before I melt.
Cameron Steele's avatar
Dear society, Here, in my seclusion - my isolation - I've come upon a pattern in time and history that we had not previously seen. You need not be concerned about whether or not I've gone crazy, it won't matter soon because you'll understand…
Cameron Steele's avatar
Why. Why? Why! Why- why... why, why, why; "(why)" are we here? Also, abstract eye progression: o.o 0,o 0)0 p]R 9|9 818 111

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Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
... again ... for Randy. Memories of old magazines gathering dust on the shelves with things you never could let go of. Dirty chess sets hardly touched. Empty bottles of cheap scotch you never could get enough of. And it's a shameful world…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This space left intentionally blank.
One Man Dan's avatar
my slow steady breath buried like death beneath the song's vibrations and inspirations away from all this place and my shoelace a sea parts in my path i see all none, only black cloaked wrath yet in this skyless night gleams down…
Guitar Music by Tim Brown's avatar
Song for an adventurer friend
2008. Unfinished but I still like it, hang with it it grows, a bit. deep swelling house.

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igor's avatar
Despite the fact that boring scientists have proved that did not catch a rainbow, I still believe that it is possible at least to touch its iridescent tail, and then... ~For Molly and girls~
Norm's avatar
As I had nothing better to do last night, I had this great idea that I would construct a rhythm for the 24 hour challenge. This would be different: a 24 minute drum solo (I mean, who wouldn't love that?). I even had a perfect bass riff: the "Mother…
KraftiM's avatar
Originally meant as tribute to a (still unreleased) VA album about the Roswell Incident. Now released as Ilut on the FraxurY album
Doc & Lena Selyanina's avatar
The song starts off as a minimalistic ambient piano piece but grows gradually into a full-blown instrumental with world music and even jazz elements. The song was partially inspired by Sherry Horman’s 2009 movie Desert Flower.
Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's avatar
It's pretty smooth. Go get your groove on.

Latest Comments

Cameron Steele's avatar
Are we learning something new every day? It used to feel like I forgot something important every day. Did I know that you loved me? Was it love that you owed me?
Drew's avatar
Drew said


Cameron Steele's avatar
Professional drowner; accidental hitman.
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Oh my, this is too cool. Fantastic work, sir.

Cameron Steele's avatar
Are we learning something new every day? It used to feel like I forgot something important every day. Did I know that you loved me? Was it love that you owed me?
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

awww yeah, this is good stuff.

Cameron Steele's avatar
"Aww" they said. And I guess it was cute... I don't know... I don't what's cute I guess... anyways, where was I? Oh yeah, who am I? who am I... who am I... ?
Under Wildlife's avatar
Under Wildlife said

Creepy stuff is always the best

Cameron Steele's avatar
Professional drowner; accidental hitman.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


Cameron Steele's avatar

Experimental (avant-garde?) musician and artist.

from California, United States

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12 tracks