Robert James
Latest Music
Written during the 2020 50/90 Challenge (I think... wasn't it?) and now re-recorded for Quarantine Tunes Volume Eight. The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project continues... forever.
We're scraping the bottom of the barrel in a big way now.
Song number 7 from the 2024 National Solo Album Month. Seven songs in 7/8 time.
All of the guitars are Gibson ES-335 Pro and all of the amps are Fender Bassbreaker 15 running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The pedal chain for…
Song number 6 from the 2024 National Solo Album Month. Seven songs in 7/8 time.
All of the guitars are Gibson ES-335 Pro through a Fender Bassbreaker 15 running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The pedal chain for the rhythm…
Song number 5 from the 2024 National Solo Album Month. Seven songs in 7/8 time.
All of the guitar tracks are a Gibson ES-335 Pro through a Fender Bassbreaker 15 running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The pedal chain for the…
Song number 4 from the 2024 National Solo Album Month. Seven songs in 7/8 time.
All of the guitar parts are a Gibson ES-335 Pro. The rhythm tracks used a Klon KTR into an Analog Man King of Tone into an MXR Carbon Copy Mini into a Fender Bassbreaker…
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It's been about five months since I've done any work on the great 2015 re-recording project, volume eight. The time has come to get back to work, I think.
This one is okay. I don't know if I will keep this mix or not. I need to live with…
Written during the 2020 50/90 Challenge (I think... wasn't it?) and now re-recorded for Quarantine Tunes Volume Eight. The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project continues... forever.
We're scraping the bottom of the barrel in a big way now.
Song number 7 from the 2024 National Solo Album Month. Seven songs in 7/8 time.
All of the guitars are Gibson ES-335 Pro and all of the amps are Fender Bassbreaker 15 running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The pedal chain for…
Song number 6 from the 2024 National Solo Album Month. Seven songs in 7/8 time.
All of the guitars are Gibson ES-335 Pro through a Fender Bassbreaker 15 running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The pedal chain for the rhythm…
Song number 5 from the 2024 National Solo Album Month. Seven songs in 7/8 time.
All of the guitar tracks are a Gibson ES-335 Pro through a Fender Bassbreaker 15 running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The pedal chain for the…
Most Popular
Volume pedal plus digital delay equals drone.
come to me I love you
be with me for always
Written during Spring Break 2001. Can you guess which day it comes from? The lyric is about how I was on day 4 and had already run out of ideas. Kinda typical.
"Vanishing Point" was an attempt to force myself to write a full song. I had been playing in Break Even for about a year and found myself completely unable to write music. I had just set up a nice little 8-track studio (sort of) at home and I…
Third of seven left overs from April 2007. This one was sort of a throw away from the beginning. It resulted in me not being able to come up with anything clever, so I just threw something easy and hyperactive and short together.
As far as…
Usually I like songs less when they are finished. This one I think I like more. I had planned on dropping this one but now I'm not sure.
Recent Favorites
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
Here it is in all of its glory...
THIS is the song that Mrs R and I had decided was a suitable response to a request to "Upload something HAPPY, stat!!!!!!!!!"
I tried to record it back in 2013 when I wrote it…
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
And here we go - Edith FINALLY gets it...
Actually, she's been getting it ever since I wrote it on the 29th May. I thought it would take a week or so, but it proved to be more of a fight than I was expecting.
the telemarketers are working from home, very hard indeed.
this gives me the modern blues
I remastered this one that got deleted a while ago, still too much stuff in it but keeps rabbits outta the garden when i crank it on exterior speakers outside.
RPM 2k15
vocals by Ashley Reynolds
this whole place
going down the drain
and i’m going along for the ride
nobody forced my hand
nobody made me this way
nobody tried to stop me either
it’s not what i say, what i do
it’s everything all…
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Written during the 2020 50/90 Challenge (I think... wasn't it?) and now re-recorded for Quarantine Tunes Volume Eight. The Great 2015 Re-Recording Project continues... forever.
We're scraping the bottom of the barrel in a big way now.
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 45 becomes finished song number 43.
I have a lot of songs that sound similar to a lot of other songs this year, and this one is no exception. It is, however, a song that I kinda like. If I decide to make…
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 26 becomes finished song number 44.
This is okay but sort of blah. The groove is okay and the melody is okay and really everything is okay, but it's not really doing much for me.
Rhythm guitars are…
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number one becomes finished song number three. Only 47 more to go!
My morning routine got messed up and it became a song. Fascinating source of inspiration, eh?
I like the chorus in this one. Well, I like…
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 10 becomes finished song number four.
I kinda like the verse. I don't like the mix. The hook is kinda meh. I like the random key changes. I should have done more with the dynamics in the outro. I dropped…
One Rule: Don’t Fuck With My Stuff Without Permission.
I am a guitar player and a 3rd rate songwriter.
See also:
Prior to the switch to the white UI I was having an issue where all of my uploads were marked as private and I couldn’t change them. I created a second account and moved on. Then after the white UI switch I found a couple of tracks had vanished so I moved everything back to this account and deleted v2.
from Methuen, MA
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820 tracks