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Fair Treatment

Robert James

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2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 45 becomes finished song number 43.

I have a lot of songs that sound similar to a lot of other songs this year, and this one is no exception. It is, however, a song that I kinda like. If I decide to make an “album” out of this year’s 50/90 challenge, this song will likely make the final cut.

The rhythm guitars are my Gibson SG into a Real McCoy Customs RMC10 into a Klon KTR into a Keeley Super Phat Mod into both a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 Clean, both running direct output with built in cabinet emulation. The lead guitar is my Gibson Les Paul Custom into a Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian into the KTR into an MXR Carbon Copy Mini into the same two amplifiers.


Give me a signal

give me a reason

You commit treason

and you’re let off

Given fair treatment

Give it a look see

You could be set free

You can be bought

Pre chorus

If you come with me

I could help you see

what will be will be

Its a guarantee

Verse 1

Leave them guessing

So depressing


and obsessing

Verse 2

Broken hearted

feeling guarded

It has started

The departed

tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

nice rocker superb mix .....cheers tony cee

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