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Broken in the Open

Robert James

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2025 RPM Challenge song idea number 19 becomes finished song number 20.

The 20th and final song worked on for this year’s RPM. I think we’re going out on a high note this year. I like this one. Everything is working for me except for the wah-wah tone on the guitar solo at the end. Other than that, I am good with this one.

Rhythm guitars are a Takamine F-400 S 12-string into a Shure SM57. The lead is a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s into a Dunlop Crybaby wah (the Gary Clark, Jr signature version) into a Wampler Tumnus into a TC Electronic Combo Deluxe amp sim pedal. Also, the sax is a Conn student model that I have been playing since 1981 when I was 10 years old.

Verse 1
It just came to me
There’s a chance this could come to be
Precedent has been set
Now we have to see

Verse 2 & 3
This catastrophe
A disaster we’ll all agree
No wonder, it’s hopeless
That’s a guarantee

Helpless, Broken
In the, open
Now we’re awoken
Can you hear it

Now we’re talking
Lines are crossing
No more crawling
Time for brawling

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