MuckMen's listening history

djilt's avatar
a glitchy clickers peicetogether i made a while back :)
djilt's avatar
another old thing that's been hanging around....
Newbold's avatar
project taking time had some time tonitie working with the voice program that Chris uses and I mixed these new vocals with a older work of mine 000 OK 000ooo
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
natemonoxide's avatar
MuckMen's avatar
spacehoers's avatar
Volcas, bass, and guitar again. I'm trying to get better at improvising, so I'm doing a bunch of quick and dirty improv tracks using a 4-track recorder. This one turned out pretty good.
Saltyjohn's avatar
You Just Went Away 2023© John Schofield V1 The lights of the fishing boats Sway and dance in the night I stand on the balcony Looking over the bight V2 A sweet breeze is carrying The scent of the ocean And with it the memory The…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Chip Withrow performs my lyrics.... I bumped into my past It was standing in my way I couldn’t get around it It said I had to pay I said what toll is this You’re demanding that I pay? It’s for your misdemeanours Is all my past would…