High Energy
This song is sunny winter days, biking, sleeping well, and feeling good for a change—and making a song to capture that fleeting moment that I might return to it. That I might share it with others. I got things set up and ready for RPM, and got out of my funk and made something. I made this for a Deluge synth group challenge to make a song that was either less than 50 bpm or greater than 150. I settled on 160 bpm, but a lot of the keyboard sequences are a lot slower than that. I used a Deluge patch I made for the keys, and controlled my Typhon synth with midi sequences, one of which has an arpeggio added to make it even faster. Two patches I made as well. I also experimented with controlling it with an expression pedal and knob turning simultaneously, which was pretty fun. Some sequences were played in live then tweaked, while others I laid out on the grid. I chopped things a bit in Audacity to make a smoother transition between the two main parts. I think it ended up as a bit of an earworm.