DJ UrSine
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The battle of Self-Conscious and Self-Awareness.
Dedicated to my lost brothers and sisters fighting the good fight...
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A collaboration with singer/songwriter Sinéad McCarthy. It is still a work in progress and we are just starting to work on the mix. If anyone would like to give some comments/ideas on how the mix is working that would be great. Thanks
A distress call from space is picked up, and then a race to rescue the crew ensues. I have attempted to contrast the peace of space with the urgency and determination of the rescue mission, and it's eventual success.
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Hi Rocketeer! Red here again. The beginning sounds like something from an old C64 Sid chip... really nostalgic for me. When the sliding notes kicked in, then it was back to your style. =) Very good job dude!
Quite a bit different for you. I like it!
I am a Smooth Groove Techno Artist.
My musical influences include Isao Tomita, Larry Fast (Synergy) and W. Carlos.
I’ve been making synthesized music on my computer ever since it was possible to make music on a PC. Since then, I’ve gone from over-driving sound cards to playing with software synthesizers.
from San Francisco, US
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48 tracks