Mr. Greene
Mr. Greene
The most beautiful man I’d ever seen
Our high school teacher Mr. Greene
Little more than a child at seventeen
In love with our teacher Mr. Greene
Immature and so out of touch
Just a silly schoolgirl crush.
Dreamy kid; Duran Duran fanatic
Barely understood Mr. Greene’s mathematics
Calculus, geometry and other features
All the stuff he tried so hard to teach us.
Tried to play; nothing rushed
Just a silly schoolgirl crush.
Some of the kids disrespectful and mean
But me in love with Mr. Greene.
I gave him the looks, flirted like hell
If he was aware I could never tell
Could almost hear my hormones gush
Just a silly schoolgirl crush.
A married man; no doubt happily wed
I’d think of him at night in my single bed
A secret I kept; I never came clean
About my love for Mr. Greene
Since leaving school his face I’ve never seen
But often I still think of Mr. Greene
I’m married now. Happy at a push
But I still remember that schoolgirl crush.
Pru, Cool to have you aboard. Nice song you have. Nice voice, and your uncle did a great job producing this. Please, any chance you get do share your songs. Keep up the great work. :-}
I feel like I just read somebody's diary.... This feels brutally honest and the vocals and instrumentation are spot on. Very nice!