67 tracks by Saltyjohn

Saltyjohn's avatar
You Just Went Away 2023© John Schofield V1 The lights of the fishing boats Sway and dance in the night I stand on the balcony Looking over the bight V2 A sweet breeze is carrying The scent of the ocean And with it the memory The…
Saltyjohn's avatar
My lyrics, set to music and performed by Gordon Todd: The Bar at Sorrow Point ©2020JohnSchofield Lizzy went in search of action She found this old juke joint Inside it she met Billy It was the bar at Sorrow Point They danced too…
Saltyjohn's avatar
My lyrics set to music and performed by Gordon Todd Torn Apart 2023©JohnSchofield He set out on a thorny path With a reckless love affair The tangled web of lies he built A burden hard to bear He paid a price in shame and guilt…
Saltyjohn's avatar
A song to mow your lawn by. My lyrics, music and vox by Chip.
Saltyjohn's avatar
My lyrics set to music and performed by Gordon Todd. Dolphins Dancing 2023©JohnSchofield V1 Into the wide blue yonder Sailing on a sparkling sea Canvas flying overhead Dolphins dancing in the lee V2 I’m heading for the islands Leaving…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Music and vocals by Klaus, to my lyrics. When Cupid Sings 2023©JohnSchofield I met her at a party I’d had too much to drink She dragged me back to her place I threw up in her sink She didn’t chuck me out then And she didn’t seem…
Saltyjohn's avatar
My lyrics; music and performance by Gordon Todd. I want to share my journey with you 2021© by John Schofield I want to walk upon the old silk road Where oriental traders strode And I want to go to Kathmandu On my way to Timbuktu…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Music and performance by Gordon Todd, lyrics by me: Meditation 2023©John Schofield Once upon a broken heart When my life had come apart I searched for what could cure me Was it a cottage by the sea? What could mend the broken me…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Music and vox by Gordon, lyrics by me: That remind-me song was playing On the juke box in the bar And on my way to work today On the radio in the car Reminds me how you wounded me And it sure brings back the pain But I can’t seem…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Music and performance by Alex Klages, my lyrics. Secrets 2023©John Schofield Chorus: What a glorious favour you’ve done What a terrible kindness it is When you take a secret on board And promise not to tell anyone V1 You can tell…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Music and performance by David G Harrington Lyrics: Me In The Afterglow of Dreams Subtle shades of dark dissolve Into half-remembered scenes Sighs and slow awakening In the afterglow of dreams Vague thoughts and recollections Are…
Saltyjohn's avatar
This is another version of my song, also known as "It's Later Than You Think", a Jimmy Buffett style country rendition. On a restroom wall in Baltimore Above a broken sink Someone scratched this message: It’s later than you think I…
Saltyjohn's avatar
A love song, music by Elisabeth Roberts, sung by the Irish soprano Edel Murphy, lyrics by me: Catch Me Gently ©2020JohnSchofield This is love because it feels Like I’m head over heels Like I’m tumbling through space At a supersonic pace…
Saltyjohn's avatar
A song about climate change, my lyrics, music composed by Paul Henry and performed by him. Circle of Life 2021©John Schofield The sun beats down on the African plain Where the long rains are late again Waterholes are cracked and dry And…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Music and performance by Paul Henry, lyrics by me. In Havana 2022©John Schofield They dance to the band in a fancy taverna Swaying along to the latino beat A lithe don Juan tries to teach them flamenco And the laughter spills onto the…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Lyrics by John Schofield, music and performance by Paul Henry The Things You Didn’t Do 2021©John Schofield On a restroom wall in Baltimore Above a broken sink Someone scratched this message It’s later than you think I took this simple…
Saltyjohn's avatar
Bobby Sommerstein has composed and sings his version of my lyrics to Magic Place. The Magic Place is based on uninhabited Hawksbill Cay in the Bahamas, where I would often anchor. And have a tot of rum. Verse 1 There’s a magic place I go…
Saltyjohn's avatar
My lyrics (slightly modified) set to music by Elisabeth Roberts and sung by Ronan Scolard. The Call of the Sea ©2020JohnSchofield Verse 1 We head for the Horn, sails tattered and torn A cargo of grain from the east And the albatross glides…
Saltyjohn's avatar
My lyrics set to music by Robert Sommerstein. I’m OK now ©2020JohnSchofield Verse 1 I’m not sure I loved you all that much I guess it wasn’t love, as such Just a silly crush, I thought Some kind of nasty bug I’d caught I’m not sure…