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IseOluwa (Cover), Fireboy DML

Teejay’s WRLD

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Teejay’s WRLD - IseOluwa Lyrics

Lowkey have been moving, moving, moving fast
U all can see the Glory, not my power all from Jah
No be Juju I swear no be jazz
Am getting famous, am gonna be everyone’s favorite

I Tell Everybody, Everybody am the guy
Am always grateful anything that happens is Alamdullilah
Mojo shakiti bobo tii olorun bati muu Aje wa
Lahila ah il-Alhah olorun Oba waa

Only me can describe how I felt ehhh ehh
When the money drop I calculate before I spend eh ehhh
I work for my money, I sweat before I get
I no be fraudster, I didn’t did it instead

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