A Bit More Better Productions's listening history
When my 'whole morning for recording' turned into 30 minutes, I did this. Beep beep;
Driving all over the fucking road.
Left right left right doesn't really matter.
In n out of lanes in my mitsubishi colt
Left right left right doesnt really…
Can i get a little whisky in this water said John
The day the world stopped being fair
I didnt know what to say so I said yeah.
I poured a double whisky and I placed it in his hand
And said friend, only true friends understand
He said friend…
I was a babe
You was a man and i was a child.
Oh and the pain
You was a man and I was a child.
You shifted the blame
Onto the child
I never forgave
And if you were here you'd see a man gone wild.
Through the eyes of a child. x3…
Tell me can you teach me bout your finely written poetry
Dont care about the content I just want to make em notice me
Such a fine hand they'd say wooo, study it closely
Been practicing all day I think I'm ready least I aughta be.
Well I been playing the blues for so long
Kinda feel like playing jazz x 2
I dig the random instrumentation.
Play this in eight over three and a half
I been playing the blues for so long, make me feel like tryna rap x 2
I think I'll call…
Musta been December cause the air mighty cold
A family was moving in, further down the road
They were not the colour of the others in the street
All the kids were laughing at the trainers on their feet
I was only young and so I guess I laughed…
It aint like no ones done this before
But how can you tire of beautiful chords
In the fifties
In Tenessee
Where my love
was born
Two young men upped and
crossed the yard
both cold cos it was rainin hard.
One of them turned said…
RPM 2011 number 2. Inspired by an ex-friend of mine who had the most dazzling rose tinted glasses. Always used to envy the simplicity of his view and how nothing could ever get to him (everything gets to me).. since i knew him I know a lot of…
First one for RPM 2011. This track has existed in my head to a greater or lesser extent for years but never got round to recording it. Now I have. :)
It would never have ended if it had been down to me
It would have blossomed, would have grown…