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To Hold On...

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Experimental - a little rough in places but an experiment in the ‘Random S&H’ effect on the Vetta…

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thank you SMW for your comments - much appreciated!

Guest said

Again, I love the tones you get from the guitar. Cool playing mixed with some real nice ideas. Keep it flowing. sixmilewide member

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thank you very much - much appreciated!

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

nice track mate.

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thanks - Its an experiment with one effect that I found on my Vetta I'd never used before...;-)

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

nice one cool sounds mate well done.

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Much appreciated - thanks Kirk

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice experiment man!

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Thanks mate

Guest said

Great stuff! Joe Satriani meets Pink Floyd meets liquid tension experiment!

adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

mmmmm thats more M words then me so you win ;-) Thanks ;-)

Guest said

Mesmerizing mellow music moving majestically along the matrix of atoms that make up the air...ran out of m words that would work :)
